NATO Crest


Unit 5 News

Updated - September 14 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

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Portraits of Honour in France

Submiited by Ron Gowing

One man's tribute - honouring those who
have laid down their lives serving Canada,
assisting our NATO allies and helping
the people of Afghanistan

Presenting the "Portraits of Honour" in France is an opportunity to show the world how Canadians remember those who have made the supreme sacrifice for freedom and democracy. Captured in "oils and canvass" our modern day Canadian heroes can be remembered having followed in the spirit of those brave souls who went ashore on Juno Beach in 1944 … who in turn followed the tradition set by their fore-fathers at Vimy Ridge … a generation before.

This mural by renowned Canadian artist David Sopha will officially open for display at the Juno Beach Centre, Courseulles-sur-Mer, France at 6:00 pm September 21, 2013.

"Poppy petals of remembrance" which are visible throughout the painting represents all of those who sacrificed so much for us throughout history.

Portraits of Honour artist Dave Sopha strives to help educate and tell the stories of our fallen heroes so they shall never be forgotten. It is an opportunity for us to remember the sacrifices that our brave men and women in uniform continue to make each and every day.

This mural is Mr. Sopha's first excursion into the world of oil painting measuring 3m x 16m and features the faces of all 158 Canadian soldiers, sailors and aircrew who lost their lives while serving with NATO forces in Afghanistan.

The "Portraits" help to bring closure to the families, by having the chance to look into the eyes of their loved ones once more and knowing their legacy lives on.

David Sopha is a former member of the Royal Canadian Navy and an Honourary Life Member of the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada, Cambridge Unit 5. He has been airbrushing murals and painting for the past 38 years. He discovered his artistic talent during an eight month recovery following a car accident in 1970 that left him with a broken back.

This mural provides families of the fallen heroes and all Canadians with a time to grieve, remember, celebrate and heal.



Last modified

September 14 2013


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan