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Unit 5 News

Updated - September 09 2012

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NVOC Thom Joordens Memorial Award

Posted July 16, 2011

Birth and concept of the Award

Thom Joordens Memorial Award

After an invitation and attending a local cadet group's annual spring review in June of 2010, the thought of getting NATO Cambridge Area Unit 5, involved with cadet groups in the surrounding communities by developing and implementing some sort of award. I felt this would give the NVOC and Cambridge Unit 5 exposure and broaden the public view to the Organization and who we are.

I suggested the idea to the unit 5 members at a meeting in the fall of 2010 and asked them to think about it over Christmas and we would re-visit the subject again at our first meeting in January 2011. I asked the members to come up with suggestions of what to name the award. How many cadet groups could we manage financially? What groups would we select? What would be the qualifying control factors needed for a cadet to be selected for the award? Who would judge the award winning cadet in each group?

During this time I discussed the subject with my idea sounding board (Maddy) my wife. She suggested, why not develop an award in the memory of the NVOC founder Thom Joordens. I took this suggestion the unit meeting and the members like this idea. Three members at the meeting, made combined donated $100.00 toward the cost of some six 5x7 inch plaques.

Details came together very quickly, one member suggested the award be named the "Thom Joordens Memorial Award." I formed a six member Award committee that included the unit executive, and the members that had made the cash donation plus the unit PRO.

By the end of February six cadets group were selected. It was decided that cadet groups in communities where members of unit 5 reside, would be the area that qualify for the awards. I took the responsibility of arranging a meeting with the Officers of each of the cadet groups, by attending their parade night and meeting with them with a complete package and a verbal explanation of what the eligibility was to qualify for the award. I asked them to submit a cadet name me by the end of April of 2011, so as to have enough lead time to complete the engraving of all the plaques. I also asked them when the date of each Corps review was to he held and to send the unit 5 an invitation to the event. Unit 5 member would attend to present the award. Photos of each presentation were taken for a NVOC Unit 5 as a visual record.

Awards were present to the following (click link to open photo)

  1. Comm Officer to Capt. Bryan McKenzie 21 RHFC Army Cadet Corps Cambridge, Ont.
       by Pres. G. Bryan
  2. Cadet M. Cpl. Daniel Lonergan 21 RHFC Army Cadet Corps, Cambridge Ont.
       by Steven Joordens
  3. Comm Officer to Capt. Patrick Verriet 296 City of Cambridge Sqdn. RCAC Cambridge, Ont.
       by Peter Kanis
  4. Cpl. Alexander Fisher 296 City of Cambridge Sqdn. RCAC Cambridge Ont
       by Peter Kanis.
  5. Comm Officer to Julie Bedard NLCC Admiral Landymore, Brantford, Ont
       by V.Pres. R.McNulty
  6. Cadet Aaron Pepaz of NLCC Admiral Landymore
       by V.Pres, R. McNulty
  7. Comm. Officer Randy Anstey RCSCC Admiral Nelles, Brantford, Ont.
       by Unit 5 President Gerry Bryan
  8. Master Seaman Melissa Hens, Brantford, Ont
       by Unit 5 President Gerry Bryan
  9. Sqdn Cam.Officer Capt. R.Gillepie 822 Tutor Sqdn Breslau, Ont
       by V.Pres. R.McNulty
  10. Cpl.Lori Anne Little, 822 Tutor Sqdn. Rcac Breslau, Ont.
       by Mem.R. Gowning
  11. Comm. Officer Capt. Dorean Bone 136 Kiowa Sqdn. RCAC Ayr, Ont.
       by Pres. G. Bryan
  12. F Cpl. Andrew Roberts 136 Kiowa Sqdn. RCAC Ayr, Ont.
       by Pres. G. Bryan

Gerry Bryan CD - NVOC Cambridge Unit 5 President.



Last modified

September 09 2012


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan