The Veterans Ombudsman’s Strategic Council

Terms of Reference


Order In Council #P.C. 2007-530, dated October 15, 2007, which established the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman (OVO) made provision for the Advisory Committee. In addition, the Office Charter makes reference to the establishment of a Strategic Council to serve the Veterans Ombudsman in a number of capacities.

Why does the Veterans Ombudsman need a Strategic Council?

The Advisory Committee has been in existence since early 2008 and provides advice and guidance from the stakeholder community to the Office in the achievement of its mandate. It also helps shape the Veterans Ombudsman’s agenda and the focus of the short-term operations of the Office. The Advisory Committee is chaired by an individual other than the Veterans Ombudsman and has its own Terms of Reference and established Membership. The Advisory Committee reflects the Veterans’ community demographics and its Membership is based on community representation.

The Strategic Council is primarily an information forum whose raison d'être is to permit Members to share with the Veterans Ombudsman the key priorities, current issues and challenges being pursued by each of the associations they represent. The Strategic Council deliberations are also important communications vehicles to ensure that the Office is not operating at cross purposes or conflicting positions with the respective agenda of the associations represented on the Council. The Strategic Council provides an opportunity for the Veterans Ombudsman to hear directly from approximately 11 recognized, bonafide Canadian Veterans associations to which Membership has been extended. The Council is not intended to be a consensus-seeking or decision-making forum as it concerns OVO operations. At appropriate intervals, the Veterans Ombudsman will also invite prominent and influential Canadians who contribute to positive societal outcomes in the Canadian context to join the Strategic Council.

Strategic Council Mandate:


Member organizations will be represented by one Member and one observer, if so desired. The Office of the Veterans Ombudsman will reimburse travel costs for the Member only and the observer's costs will be born by the association he/she represents. Members will be appointed for a two-year term. It is expected that Members will attend all meetings, unless exceptional circumstances prevent it. An alternate designate may attend in this circumstance.

At the end of the two-year term, Members may be re-appointed by the Chair for a further two-year period. A Member may withdraw from the Council upon notification to the Director, Strategic Liaison and Executive Support, OVO. The Veterans Ombudsman may terminate Membership at any time and the Director, Strategic Liaison & Executive Support will provide written notification to the Member.

The Council will be chaired by the Veterans Ombudsman and will also include senior officials from the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman, including but not limited to the Director General, Operations; and the Director, Strategic Liaison and Executive Support. The Chair of the Veterans Ombudsman Advisory Committee will be a standing Member of the Council. The OVO will provide the secretarial function for the Council.


Members are not entitled to remuneration for participation on the Council. However, they will be reimbursed in accordance with the Treasury board travel policy and guidelines for travel expenses to and from scheduled Council meetings. See attached Appendix A and B for further information.


The Council will meet twice per year, normally in early spring and fall of each calendar year and normally in Ottawa, Ontario. If a Member is not available to attend a meeting, his/her designate will attend. The agenda will be drafted and & circulated for consultation in advance, by the Chair.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Veterans Ombudsman’s Strategic Council


All public office holders must adhere to the federal government's Conflict of Interest Guidelines. As Members of the Veterans Ombudsman's Strategic Council, appointees to the Council will be expected to conform to certain principles.

In instances when an issue being discussed by Council gives rise to a situation that could cause real, potential or apparent conflict of interest with a Member's duties as a Council Member, the Member shall abstain from discussion on the issue.

Council Hallmarks:

Members will conduct themselves in accordance with the following professional values and ethics:

Respect: the ability to speak freely knowing that the Council is a privileged platform where Members may not always agree with one another's viewpoints, but where all opinions are respected and acknowledged.

Frankness: the assurance that Members will speak their minds on any issue, in all Council meetings, knowing that these discussions will be held in confidence.

Openness & Transparency: the ability to freely share information on any topic germane to stakeholder issues and association positions.

Compassion and Fairness: the commitment to speak compassionately regarding all issues which are critical to the well being of Veterans and their families and to uphold the fairness principle and its application to stakeholders.

Conflict of Interest & Confidentiality Principles

Dated September 22, 2010

Appendix A

Office of the Veterans Ombudsman
Strategic Council

1.1 Detailed Guidelines for Expenses

The purpose of this document is to provide information and assistance to Veterans Ombudsman Strategic Council members claiming reimbursement for expenses incurred while on traveling for Veterans Ombudsman Strategic Council.

It is each Committee member’s responsibility to submit their receipts, and other supporting documentation for their travel expenses within one month of the Veterans Ombudsman Strategic Council meeting to Tammy Lidstone:

Fax: (902) 566-7582, Attention: Tammy Lidstone
Mail: Tammy Lidstone
Office of the Veterans Ombudsman
PO Box 7700, Int. Box 409, NBT
Charlottetown PE C1A 8M9

A blank form has been provided in Appendix B to help with the submission of supporting information and receipts.

1.1 Transportation

1.1.1 Air Travel, Rail

1.1.2 Private Vehicle Travel

Before using a private vehicle for government travel, the Member should ensure that he/she has adequate insurance. In the event of an accident, the government will not be held responsible for deductible amounts related to comprehensive or collision coverage. It is recommended that the Member have a least $1,000,000 in liability insurance

1.1.3 Taxis/Airport Transporters

1.1.4 Other Out-of-pocket Transportation Expenses

1.2 Accommodation

1.3 Meals

Treasury Board Policy Travel Information

Appendix B

Expense Claim
Members of Veterans Ombudsman Strategic Council

Mileage________________km__ x ________= ___________________
Taxi(s) = ___________________
Parking = ___________________
Hotel ______________ = ___________________
Total Meals = ___________________
Total Incidentals = ___________________
Airfare: from ______________ to _____________= ___________________
Car Rental = ___________________
Fuel for Car Rental = ___________________
Total Expenses $____________________

Please send completed form to: Tammy Lidstone, Office of the Veterans Ombudsman, Internal Box 409, NBT, P.O. Box 7700, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 8M9