NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 06 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report - September 2011

September 28, 2011


Well we are gearing up for Fall and time to bring you up to date on a few changes – hopefully all for the better!

We went through a pretty stressful Phase I after Tom Joordens died moving the NATO Veterans from Fredericton to Ottawa. The Ottawa Gatineau Exec responded and went up a "pay level " for the transfer - they worked really hard – NB and all regions understood and helped-alas we have lost a few Ottawa Exec members but have recruited some excellent people in Ottawa. Our Senior VP Cal Bellamy goes in for a second heart operation early April - our best wishes go with him.

Then the next Phase 2 was setting up a national organization and a headquarters unit to administer a national organization. Coupled with this setting up was the goal to be accepted as a bona fide veteran’s organization.

Setting up will continue to be Work in Process as we proceed into Phase 3 – advocating and working for Post Korean up to and including current day veterans. We realize we are not the only modern day veterans organization hence our banner on letterhead -A Voice for today’s Veterans ~ Une voix pour les vétérans d'aujourd'hui

NATO Veterans Organisation has been invited to Royal Receptions, to accompany a Veterans Affairs delegation to Europe, to speak to German Federal Ombudsman, to have a meeting with the new ADM in C'town -in other words – we have been accepted as a part of the family of Canadian veterans organizations.

We have done this a step at a time , we have had mentoring from other veterans organizations -one in particular. In the future as we grow we will become more decentralized - the regions more involved in the management and executive of the organization. We have already Bob Grant of BC with Regions - Gerry Bryan Cambridge ON helping Betty with Membership - hopefully soon more from regions in running this growing organization.


  • This is my last Pesidents Status Report- the next one will be from the Executive and will evolve into a NATO Vets Newsletter - with HQ and Regional input.
  • Soon you will receive ballots for our election - the process is not perfect but we will fine tune for the next one. Please be patient. One of my major concerns is if -please- the Regional Directors can somehow get the ballots out to the Members At Large. We do not have the wherewithal to do this from HQ
  • The mailing list will from now on be to not only the HQ Exec but to Regional Directors as well you will be receiving in next month the final
  • Advocacy Report prepared by Tud Kaulbach and his Team. -we will - as NATO Veterans Organization -be focussing on one area - Long Term Care -for the Post Korean to present day veteran

“Away we go”




Complete archive is available here



Last modified

July 06 2013


Copyright © 2006-2014
These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan