NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 06 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

NATO Monthly Status Newsletter - October 2011

November 3, 2011


NATO Vets Newsletter I am told by Doug Brunton that the NATO Vets Newsletter will because of workload have to be put off for a couple of months- the idea has not been shelved –i,e. with HQ and Regional input but finding someone with the time has bit us back till probably the beginning of our new year 2012.

So I will continue to try to bring you up to date in summary form. I ask all Regional heads to please pass down to members. Also to remind members that NATO Vet News and items are put on our web page – during Remembrance week almost daily! Added to this we now have a Twitter page – access easily by going to News dropdown menu on NATO web page and click on Twitter

Welcome We are pleased to welcome the following people as Deputy Directors of their respective Regions: Dave Thurston-Atlantic, John Coulombe-Ontario, Debbie Reid-Atlantic. Jack Shapka has taken on the role of Deputy Director of Regions and Territories under the direction of Bob Grant.We thank all of you for you commitment to NVOC

Annual General Meeting. By the time you get this we will have had our first AGM on Monday the 31 Oct at 1130. Remember the last one AGM was held almost three years ago -in Thom’s basement with 6 people at Fredericton.

Our first year was “Survival”-our second year “Organizing coast to coast” – next year we will be “in business”. This time we are trying an AGM AND balloting coast to coast electronically – with as many people coast to coast as we can.

The days of flying people in for a NATO Vet Org Convention/parade and AGM are long gone. We want to give as much time as we can for regional input.

The feedback from the Regions was excellent –particularly on HQ Execs method for balloting!! “Trial and error ”– we will change and improve next year!

Membership will be the focus next year – first “helping Betty” to streamline our Membership List – then quickly followed by a letter to members for dues submission – then a membership recruiting campaign.

Advocacy Report You will now have seen the position we have taken on Advocacy. that we must now dedicate our efforts to changing these policies to ensure that Post Korea Veterans, so called Modern Day Veterans, receive the full benefits of medical care, commencing with Long Term Care. We want to advise VAC that NVOC will be undertaking an information and advocacy campaign to this end.

VAC will always be advised and we promise no surprises or “media ambushes” on what we, NVOC, are doing. NVOC will now, through our headquarters and regional offices, will be contacting our local MPs /MMPs and the media on the subject of lack of provision of long term care unless a member is under a full disability pension.

We are now working with or coordinating our efforts with CAVUNP/CVPA and Gulf War Veterans as peers – the Minister of VAC refers to us as the Four Musketeers.

That is it for now – 2012 will be the year we “go into business as a modern day veterans organization”. With regions and HQ working in tandem we can do it!




ADM Operations-Membership-and Regional Report

I want to thank Gerry Bryan and his Working Committee for their work on the Membership file. Progress is being made and we should soon have an updated membership list and data base. Betty Goodison continues to do an enormous amount of work on a daily basis and is now back in action after experiencing some computer problems. Bob Grant as our Director of Regions and Territories is working hard to provide guidance for our Regional Directors and Unit Presidents. On behalf of Bob, I want to thank all Regional and Unit Executive members for their efforts and continued support. I am pleased to report that Cal Bellamy is back from sick leave and is gradually taking on some responibilities. He and I will be working to-gether on day to day operations of our organization.

As Gord has mentioned, we will soon be producing a News Letter on a quarterly basis. We will include information from both the Regions and the National Executive. We hope to have our first edition published in January. Our aim is to facilitate a two way communication link between National Headquarters and our Regions and Units.


Complete archive is available here



Last modified

July 06 2013


Copyright © 2006-2014
These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan