NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 08 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report - May 2011

Vol 3, Issue 15 - 9 May 2011



The NATO Veterans Organization has now entered the Advocacy Phase. It took a year and then some to establish a firm base of membership – thanks to members both in the regions and HQ we are now in that position to move on to Advocacy and "earn our membership dollar" By now you will have seen our Advocacy Paper which is approved and will be translated and put on our web page.

You will notice I do not mention names below – because I would not like to leave anyone out! It has been quite a year looking back – a hard year on the Exec both in the regions and HQ. I am saddened that that it cost some of us in health and time –particularly the former. It made me realize we need to "double bank " and have a succession plan- please take this under advisement,

Thank you all for the dedication to get us where we are now. I am heartened by the progress we have made on the other hand – we are now accepted by our peer veteran organizations and VAC and others (DND) more and more speaking for veterans – particularly the voice of today's or "modern day" veterans.

We have started our Advocacy by writing to the new ADM of Veterans Affairs about the phasing out of VAC supported Long Term Care facilities as the numbers of Veterans from WW II and the Korean War requiring this service diminishes.

As one of our senior Exec said "The issue of access to the Perley Rideau Veterans Health Centre is a but an example of an overall problem - post Korean to current day veterans -including serving- have been - by and large - forgotten about OR treated as a "different kind of veteran" A veteran is a veteran!

This issue is good one for NATO Vets to make itself known to VAC, the other veterans organizations and the general public. The Perley- is but one example of all 10 provinces and territories.The Perley in Ottawa doesn't deserve to call itself a "Veterans" facility if today's veterans are treated no differently from ordinary citizens!"

This issue from feedback by our members is of major concern to most if all NATO Veterans Organization of Canada. There are many "post Korean to present day veterans recent Veterans" who would benefit from having access to these facilities. This is but a start – but we have begun!!

What does future hold for NATO Veterans Organization of Canada? The political landscape of Canada changed in the last election- and the veteran’s landscape is and will change as well. We must keep up with the times and the demands of our members and advocacy for our members is the most important document if we are to have any future. Advocacy for current items for today’s veterans.

We discussed at the May NVOC EXEC Meeting the Canadian Veterans Association.The decision was Canadian Veterans Association will be a natural evolution from NVOC in future in our step by step approach.

    There was considerable discussion on:
  1. If we should evolve into a Canadian Veterans Association and
  2. If yes, when?

The consensus – without getting into extensive details of discussion – was that NVOC must look at CVA as a future initiative – the pros and cons. We will not become CVA right today.

The parameters for membership will be in broadest context” – as one Exec member said “95 % plus of Canadian Forces since Korean War have had some involvement with NATO during their service” Doug Brunton is to issue to Regions a clear statement for recruiting purposes that a broad interpretation of what is a NATO vet will be used – NVOC members can be anyone who has served from Korean War to present day including serving members CAF.

So we are now- in our Planning Process for 2011-2012 -in our " step by step approach"- finishing off now the organizing- continuing the recruiting in the regions - and entering the advocacy phase.

NATO Veterans Organization of Canada are moving - thanks to you - and now that we are into advocacy ,we will truly become the "Voice of the today's or "modern day" veteran.



Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :



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Last modified

July 08 2013


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