NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - September 15 2012

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Report - May and June 2012

Posted June 18, 2012



It has been a very hectic two months, but all on the positive side. NATO Veterans were asked to appear in front of the House of Commons Standing Committee Veterans Affairs. This is our second appearance in the last two months. At the Committee we emphasized a veteran is a veteran and all should be treated equally. Also the number of veterans in the future will not decline as stated by VAC at Committee but if anything increase. The decline is in the number of WW2 and Korean veterans. Finally and most importantly Post Korean War veterans will not have contract beds and will have to compete with "all other Canadians" to be admitted to a "community bed". Veterans Affairs is responsible for all veterans - yet has transferred to province the "wellness" to the provinces. NATO Vets recommended that all veterans - WW2/Korean and Post Korean be treated the same and not divided into two or more categories- with each category to be treated differently. A letter was also sent to the Minister of Veterans Affairs - the letter appears on this web page - under Presidents section.

So we have been heavily involved in the advocacy side - add to that the NATO Vet Queen Elizabeth Jubilee medal submissions /award and ceremonies plus numerous Commemorative events and the time has flown.


We are now starting our Recruiting phase - you should have received an announcement from Cal Bellamy who is chairing the Working Group with Doug Brunton as his back up. And yes, the recruiting phase will take up to two years. We are already a national organization and we intend to be even more national. NATO Vets is working with other national veterans groups now - and we will be working more closely in a coordinated manner with them in the future. Remember though that NATO Veterans has veterans from Korea to serving and just released Canadian Force veterans.


We are a growing organization. NATO Veterans will cooperate with any true veterans' organization. We have in the last three years had unspoken principles of:

  • A step at a time
  • Non confrontational
  • Moving in a careful and determined manner
  • Working within the system
  • Gaining respect by what we say and do

These principles have meant that in these three years we are a credible national all veterans organization - and we intend to grow - to recruit - to advocate. Without one we can't have the other. Thank you for all your hard work - you all helped to get NATO Veterans Organization where we are today



Gord Jenkins- President
NATO Veterans Organization of Canada



Last modified

September 15 2012


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan