NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - September 15 2012

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report - July 2012

Posted July 9, 2012

Greetings Veterans



We have been working hard - all out now - for three plus years- and it is time to pause and catch up - from June to beginning of September 2012 we have declared a "summer recess".

We have done so much in three years - we have stated from 16 boxes shipped from Fredericton to Ottawa after our founder's untimely death to a nationally recognized veteran's organization. This has meant a lot of work by a lot of people -coast to coast -EVERY province and not just the Ottawa Exec!

We went from the first year "surviving"/second year "organizing" /third year "advocacy". We are still ongoing in numbers two and three! Our next challenge in the Fall will be a recruiting campaign. This campaign and the plan of how we are planning on accomplishing will be the major item for our electronic AGM in October - mark on your calendar 29 Oct 2012 for AGM.

During the summer the Exec will be in touch by Email. The Recruiting Working Group of Cal Bellamy and Team will no doubt be planning the recruiting campaign for the Fall.

Tud Kaulbach will be working on the final touches on our Advocacy approach (hint -we are leaning towards the VIP program as well as Long Term Care - these two programs are "joined at the hip)

Then there are items to catch up on administratively- a summer dress uniform /an organization chart and other NATO Vets policy /procedures will be issued by Jarrott Holzhaeur. I am in contact now with other national modern day veterans and our association with these other organizations is improving. You don't -after all -have to amalgamate to work together - to communicate on common items of interest. We are national /we are the only veteran organization that is composed of strictly veterans /we are methodically growing step by step/non confrontational/we work within the system -but are in no one's "hip pocket" (we can bare our teeth if need be) and we are national. There is being formed -or evolving - quietly -based on above an association of veterans associations.

Same for all the Ottawa Exec - all have a pile to catch up on/regroup AND time to take a bit of time off to enjoy the summer. This "summer recess " is a sign of our new found position and strength -and not at all anything to do with NATO Vets slowing down.

We start again in the Fall reinvigorated and organized for an interesting next step for this growing organization.

Have a nice summer.


Gord Jenkins- President
NATO Veterans Organization of Canada



Last modified

September 15 2012


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan