NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - September 15 2012

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

January February 2012

Posted February 18, 2012



I missed January as I was in Cuba for 2 weeks - then came back and it was “catch up”

And catch up it was -or is! I only now have an idea on what is going on where - a lot has happened and a lot will be happening- all positive

I will bring you up to date on I hope -most items -in digest form - of what id going on -or will be

  • Membership is one of our top priorities. Doug Brunton is heading this Working Group. (Thank you WG!) For the first time we will have a list of paid up members and correct information. This is WIP and we will probably have a second membership campaign. Then we will go into a recruiting mode for new members - when we do recruiting campaign is up to Doug's Working group.We hope in round two , to have a letter or brochure on "Why join NATO Vets?"
  • Advocacy is probably one of the main reasons for being a member - as well as comradeship. Tud Kaulbach has completed a paper on where NATO Vets "are going" - Long Term Care is the the consensus for our key item for advocacy - for post Korean to present day veterans. For the NATO Vets Advocacy Paper -if you dont have -or info on advocacy -contact Tud
  • Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal is being handled by Cal Bellamy. This has been a very "difficult assignment" as the rules for submission by Rideau Hall seem to change daily! We received an allocation of 80 medals and Cal's challenge is not only to perue the proper submission rules -but to keep distribution fair. Dont phone or Email Cal with submissions - each region has an allocation.
  • as a PS our Patron -ex CDS "General Paul " Manson has offered to formally present the medals to NATO Vet recipients where possible!
  • Letters to MPs /CDS /Media We have started our Advocacy Campaign - by letter - to the above - from myself at HQ. After two or three weeks , Regions will be asked to press their local MPs for support. Most of us at HQ have had a go at a letter - you will be sent one today or tomorrow as a "template" We hope to get the first letters out tomorrow - on -of course- Long Term Cars for post Koea to present day veterans. I suppose best person right now for questions on this is Matt Carson at
  • Our Bilingualism approach is a pride and joy thanks to Norbert Lemieux we are in good financial shape thanks to our Treasurer John Pickard and Jarrott Holzhaeur -our "head of planning" is the person kept busy and keeping us busy with planning for this evolving organization
  • Finally a welcome to our new Senior Advisor Duane Daley - ex Dominion Secretary of the RC Legion
  • and to our new Editor John Stuart who will be putting out -with Doug - a Regional Newsletter- send your Regional News /photos etc to John!! -welcome both.
  • And last but not least our Exec fireman John Coulombe who has taken over the Ottawa Gatineau on short notice because of serious ilness of O/G President Vern Williamson

That is it for now-

an update on recent VAC Stakeholders Meeting in Ottawa will follow separately - as soon as I receive (supposedly within the week) the VAC Minutes


Gordon Jenkins President

Twitter: @gordjenkins



Last modified

September 15 2012


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan