NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 08 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report - August 2011

September 3, 2011

Greetings All


Alas summer is almost done – this Report will be on what has happened over the summer and where we hope to go in the Fall.

We are continuing our step by step approach as “A Voice of Modern Day veteran”. We have realized there are other modern day veterans out there –NATO Veterans Organization is not THE only Voice - CVPA/CAVUNP /Gulf War as examples who have the same overall goal – the betterment of the modern day veteran. The traditional WW2 /Korea veteran is well represented by senior well established organizations - one of them has been mentoring us.

The modern day veteran needs require attention now. We will be working to come up with a common focus on issue or issues for modern day veterans -and will be consulting in future on a peer basis with other modern day veterans organizations.

We will be our own spokesman and will not look to any traditional veteran organization to speak for us. We will speak in harmony or conjunction with modern day veterans in future and on common issues with traditional and modern when consulted in advance.

NATO Vets approach will be to work within the system – to be non confrontational – yet we will not be “in the pocket of VAC” - or the “background props” for Ministers Office at an announcement- or agree at all times with them.

Tud Kaulbach –our Director of Advocacy – with the help of Jarrott Holzhaeur our VP Plans-personally had an excellent preliminary meeting with senior VAC officials on behalf of NATO Veterans Organization early August in C’town VAC HQ. VAC Officials pulled out all the stops – six directors and the DG were present and an excellent “first start” – there will now be other meetings . We have received a positive considered response to our joint VAC/NATO Vets meeting . Tuds Advocacy Working Group is analyzing response and reply/subjects for next meeting.

This is a start in our positive advocacy for modern day vets and our future dialogue will be coordinated with the other modern day veteran groups.

Jarrott by the way was on a VAC delegation in Europe for Beumont Hame Ceremony representing very well NATO Veterans who were invited to attend- further recognition NVOC is being “accepted” as a part of the Canadian Veterans Organization structure. Well done Jerry

As well a Membership Working Group will be set up under Gerry Bryan . Gerry is working up –with the help of VP Regions and Operations Doug Brunton a step by step plan for approval by Exec for membership improvement. Bob Grant is now helping Doug to flesh out our NVOC Regional Organization – we are still short a regional person for example in Sask and NB – but enthusiastic Bob Grant has some great ideas for regions and other areas we should look at. We need goals or a form of Management by Objectives. Jarrott Holzhaeur is looking into this MBO area.

We will be holding an Annual General Meeting per our Charter and Policy Paper –Matt Carson will be sending out to HQ and Regions the information/candidates and instructions separately. There will be a Board of Directors per the Charter – but one change – the new Executive to be proposed will not just be Ottawa area people – but will be an Executive of HQ Ottawa AND Regional people . We are working to integrate HQ and Regions into an effective Exec so bear with us.

So- the Fall looks interesting and challenging –but as was mentioned at last Saturdays Exec meeting we are no longer unpacking boxes from Fredericton and are now in a position to make ourselves felt in veterans organization community.

We are an “all veterans” organization with our aim to help modern day veterans - we have other groups with the same aim and we offer them our hand to work together.

We need your help and support




Complete archive is available here



Last modified

July 08 2013


Copyright © 2006-2014
These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan