NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 31 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report

Vol 2 Issue 2 - February 7, 2010

Status Report:


Phase 1 was the move NATO Vet Org from Fredericton to Ottawa –and thanks to Fredericton NATO Vet Org particularly Ron Gourlay , this is done. Six weekly shipments by bus of files , inventory, publicity material are all now categorized and sorted. We were missing a couple of things that Thom –not expecting to pass away-had not put down or have not been found. One alas was an up-to- date Email List we could use – the one on the Web page was an “info only” item. With a lot of work by Betty Goodingham, Brian Bryan and particularly by our Adjutant Cal Bellamy, we now have – what is key to any organization – an NATO Veterans Email List.

Phase 2 is now ongoing and is to establish the NATO Vet Org HQ administratively in Ottawa - web page/nominal roll/dues/bank accounts/inventory/constitution and by laws etc -Feb /Mar -probably April before we arer mostly done

Phase 3 is recruiting NATO (and Norad! ) AND getting regions/districts set up /running- this is actually starting now but will gear up this late spring and summer. Dan Drapeau with James Bonney are starting on the recruiting with posters and other material being provided by Gord Smith. They are coming up with a Recruiting Plan which will be shared with all of you. We are trying to establish as well a regional office or district office in each province – Gerry Bryan from Cambridge Unit is heading this as the National Regional Coordinator. (All names and coordinates for people mentioned are on our web site under “Contacts”. Mike Bryan keeps the site up to date almost daily –so check it often for news etc.

Phase 4 in the Fall will have the NATO Veteran Executive looking seriously at expanding into other areas - such as we did with Norad. More on this to come!

On May 7 2010 the Joordens family is coming from across Canada for the final internment of our founder Thom Joodens ashes at Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa. This is a family funeral but of course NATO Veterans Organization will not only be there but have offered to the family our services. I have not heard back from the son but as soon as I have any more details I will let you know. In the meantime mark your calendar -7 May 2010.

A lot of people in many places in Canada and not just Ottawa have put a lot of hours in to get us from Phase 1 –the move- to Phase 2 –establishing a base in Ottawa to grow regionally. Thank you all


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

July 31 2013


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan