NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 20 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents August Status Report

Vol 2 Issue 8 - August 9, 2010

Greetings All


Alas summer is almost over – but NATO Vets did not stop during the summer – we slowed down a bit to enjoy summer true – but still got a lot of work was done. Your national executive have all worked on specific items as follows. The national incorporation of NATO Vet Org of Canada is just about completed with the lawyerincluding converted By Laws from New Brunswick to National. And we are now National coast –to – coast with a Unit or Units in every province- and now starting on the territories! We are now set up to be a bilingual Veterans Organization – our bilingual web page and correspondence you will have noticed reflect our best efforts. We are also finishing up of “The Plan” – a time consuming but essential step in our growth and how we will get there.

The Annual General Meeting in on 2 October has been announced – we will do this one by Conference Call – we are not quite large enough or organized to have a full Convention in a city yet! A letter will be mailed to all the NATO members who are not on Email and one by Email before the end of August to all email NATO members. This AGM letter will explain the process and Agenda.

The priority for NATO Vet Org has not changed – we will have finished the set up of NATO Vet at HQ and have a Unit or Units up and running by the AGM as was our stated plan mentioned in my last several Status Reports. From the AGM till the beginning of the New Year we will enlarge our membership. We will only be listened to when we have a base of at least 2000. We are discussing cooperating with other post Korean veteran’s organization. The NATO Vet Org of Canada goal is to be part of speaking with One Voice for the post Korean veterans. This will be a key part of our Plan.

So stay tuned – first the AGM – then growth – and the goal of One Voice and how we do this paramount in our thoughts

Best Regards


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

July 20 2013


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