NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - August 12 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report

Vol 2 Issue 1 - January 4, 2010

Hi All
Well - another Holiday Season come and gone ! I hope you all had a “good one!”


The timing was good in a way as it was a hectic three weeks after Thom died getting files and inventory and bank account moved from Fredericton to here. This we did - one member called it a coup -or was it coup d’état. No matter - we had to move quickly and did - thank you.

Where are we now? Well during holiday period - where hopefully you had time to regroup and digest what we have taken on - gulp! -the following happened

  1. Web Page -we completely revamped through our new Webmaster -who took no time off at all -our web page . Have a look at new layout at
  2. E Mail List -we are still bashing away and are one step closer to giving our Membership Director Doug Brunton a workable NATO Veteran Org Email List so all he has to do is add new members.Almost there on that one!
  3. Bank account /Finances -Cal Bellamy has that well in hand - he has even renewed one of our GICs and has arranged with Doug how cheques and renewals will be handled in the process
  4. Constitution/By Laws - are being rewritten by Gord Smith - he is waiting for a couple of you to give him comments please
  5. Strategic Plan Matt Carson tells me he has first draft done - Matt can you send out to Cabinet to look at?
  6. Inventory Dan Drapeau has inventory sorted and inventoried - and has a plan he will discuss with us at our next Exec meeting for outsourcing to Joe Drouin Enterprises - who also does CAVUNP and others
  7. Executive As you can see from Organization chart a number of regional positions have been added to give NATO Exec a feel of "not all Ottawa people " running organization ! - as Fredericton was. We have a lawyer from Nfld , Cambridge , Leamington and trying to get a Provincial Rep - have 5 now! That being said it is the "Ottawa Cabinet" I am addressing this Email too!! Alas we are it as we found after Thom died and will be it for next few months if we are to survive!!

So where do we go from here?

What the plan is right now :

  1. Conference Call the 16 Jan 2010 Mat Carson is going to phone Bell today and organize a phone in for National NATO Vet Exec ay 11 am on Saturday the 16th 11 a.m. to discuss our road plan/strategy for next three months
  2. Prior Exec Meeting ( or rather Cabinet) -we have a Cabinet meeting at my place this coming 10 a.m. Saturday 9 Jan 2010 to discuss this road map and set Agenda for what we want to discuss with the National Group on the 16th. The next 3 months are the most important to solidify and then grow our Organization. ( I was thinking of having our Cabinet meeting before our 16 Jan meeting - but a number of you suggested this was a bit tight to get our act together -I am open on this. Items for this cabinet meeting are Strategy/Drouin/Constitution to name a few!!
  3. E Mail List - really want to get this Email list for all NATO Vets finished so we can just give to Doug to administer.WIP

So welcome back -

I will be phoning each of Ottawa Cabinet today to get a consensus.


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

August 12 2013


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