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President's News

Updated - September 15 2012

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NATO Vet Org Facebook and Twitter

Posted - March 29, 2012

All I can find on Facebook and Twitter is Minister Blaney and Veteran Affairs Canada will face a modest 1.1 per cent budget cut despite the pressure brought to bear on the Conservatives to entirely exempt the department from any and all reductions.

Canadian veterans have been campaigning for the department to be left untouched, following the example of the U.S. and Britain. The Minister listened obviously was successful.

One change announced Thursday involves the Veterans Independence Program, which provides housekeeping and other light household services to elderly and disabled veterans.

Instead of having to submit individual receipts and burn up bureaucratic processing time, veterans will now get an annual grant to cover the cost.

Whew! - right Minister!


Gord Jenkins

President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada



Last modified

September 15 2012


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