To: Nato Veterans Organization Branch Presidents
From : Gord Jenkins,Interim National President
Subject: Haiti

Date: 25/01/10

Dear Nato Veteran Comrades,

It is with sadness and concern that we witness the destruction and loss of life caused by one of the most tragic events in recent memory. Many of our members may be wondering how our organization can become involved in making donations to this cause. At the National Level, we are considering making a monetary donation to one of the recognized organizations that are involved in fund raising. At the Branch level you may wish to consider having a fund raising event and forwarding your contribution in the name of your Branch. If we at the National Level can be of any assistance or if you have questions please let me know.

I would be interested in hearing of your plans and ideas so that I may recognize your Branch in our next newsletter. I encourage you to use your local media to promote your event, your Branch and our Organization. Let us show our communities that our organization can be counted on in times of need.


Gordon Jenkins
Interim National President,

The NATO Veterans Organization of Canada