NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 24 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report

Vol 2 Issue 5 - May 24, 2010

Greeting All NATO Org Members:


Our Founder – Thom Joordens Internment – and Wake – was held on 7 May 2010. There was an excellent turnout – Diny has phoned me twice saying how much the Family and she in particular appreciated the NATO Vet turnout. As she said” Thom would have liked it “.

As mentioned in previous newsletter, we are moving quickly in a number of areas.

I have already mentioned the Constitution. We- our Adjutant Cal Belamy in particular – with Deputy Adjt Betty Goodison have now incorporated NATO Veterans Organization of Canada with a lawyer with Industry Canada. Our Vice President Matt Carson is rewriting the NATO Vet Org Strategic 5 Year Plan – the Plan needed a major overhaul! . The purpose and future of the organization was the subject of an Executive Meeting yesterday. You will be consulted on all of the above

For the Regions we are trying to involve the regions in everything. Regional heads will be asked to undertake recruiting and advertising as well as contacting members who do not have Emails. Doug Brunton is the HQ Director for Regional Coordination with Gerry Bryan as his Deputy - communicating with the regions. Emails from the regions now received at HQ from regional members will also be directed to the regional heads to respond. Doug is part of the Executive Committee .The other members are the President/Vice President /Adjutant and Senior Advisor. The Directors at large are asked to join in but do not vote.

The NATO Vet Org Web page is being revised also –this is becoming an ongoing project. Keep your eye on the Web page and let us know if you like the changes or suggest any improvements – through your regional head of course! The News section is being changed at present- The Adjutant and I will have sections – mine on our organization status mostly with my monthly Status Reports -and the Adjutants on items that affect the running of our organization – such as Dress Regulations. The third area will be General News that we receive almost that is of interest to ex military people such as ourselves.

As for the roll out, Phase 3A of establishing a provincial presence finished officially the end of April. We now have strong presences started or running in nine of the ten provinces – Newfoundland is still a challenge.

Phase 3B recruiting and advertising campaign will be starting now until Sept 2010. Doug Brunton has taken out an ad in the Legion magazine for the next issue as a “pilot advertisement”. Regions are starting on their own initiative – everything from a supper campaign meeting to a Facebook page. We will keep the momentum going as best we can over the summer period.

Grow we must and grow we will. We will do this a step at a time so that at our AGM in Oct your Exec can report on not just a dynamic NATO Veteran Organization year BUT now NATO Veterans on the road in Phase 4 to becoming THE Voice of NATO veterans.

“Watch this spot for future developments” – and be part of it!


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

July 24 2013


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan