NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 27 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report

Vol 2 Issue 3a - March 1, 2010

Greeting All NATO Org Members:
As you will remember Phase 1 was to move Nato Office to Ottawa in December, January and February 2010


Phase 2 was to get established and set up HQ in Ottawa from Fredericton. Well we are a month ahead of schedule-the Ottawa HQ is up and running thanks to a lot of work and help from you New Interim NATO Org. Exec.

Phase 3 was to be a recruiting/advertising campaign starting in March, Well Phase 3 has been broken up into two parts. Now-after last Sunday 27 Feb 2010-Exec meeting, Phase 3A from now till May 2010 will be to establish a firm Provincial presence-and Phase 3B will THEN be our cross Canada recruiting and advertising campaign.

There is no reason NATO Veterans Organization of Canada can not grow , and will grow into the largest Veterans Organization in Canada-composed of members who have a honourable certificate of service record-i.e. composed exclusively of Veterans.

Notice the use of the word “Canada”. The Exec Committee also decided that the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada would NOT encompass ALL NATO countries-but would focus on the close to 200,000 NATO and NORAD Vets that are Canadian-either living in Canada or overseas.

Thanks to LGen Lew Maskenzie we are focusing our Charitable donations to two organizations

Recommended by, Lew -one called “Soldier on” or details to follow.

Till we firmly establish (firmly) our NATO Organization base in Ottawa nd Regionally, we will keep our NATO and NORAD membership base as THE focas for growth.

Matt Carson is writing a 5 year Strategic Plan for NATO Veterans Organization of Canada-the first draft should be ready for discussion for our October 2010 Annual General Meeting.

We will also hold our National Elections into ct 2010-and also our fiscal year has been changed to 1 January- for example your dues now are for the 2010 ful calendar year

The inventory is now completely outsourced-checkour for inventory items now available.The major changes to the NATO uniform highlights as a “ps” at the end of this Staus Repor. The Adjutant will also be issuing a revised NATO Vet Org of Canada, “Dress Regulation”

We are also using where appropriate military terms-a Braanch is now called a UNIT-our Sect/Tres is now the Adjutant etc.

The NATO Vet Org of Canada is made up of military not civilians that are familiar with these terms.

A revised NATO EXEC Organization Chart is also being prepared-there are some changes because of temporarily sick leave absence/some surprising new additions to Exec/some new additions to Regions ! Organizational changes happens with a dynamic growing organiationand commensurate business approach to an ever increasing membership base.

Thom Joordens family funeral is the first week of May,2010 at the Beechwood National Military Cemetery-the family is making the final Funeral arrangements with Beechwood, and you will be provided with the details as soon as we know. I am in constant touch with Thom’s son Stephen.

This is not a NATO Veterans Org of Canada Funeral-we are to be attendees-but I hope as many of you as possible can plan on being there at the Internment Ceremony in full NATO Dress.

With your support we are moving and growing!!


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

July 27 2013


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan