NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 24 2013

January 01, 1970

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January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report

Vol 2 Issue 4 - April 1, 2010

Greeting All NATO Org Members:


A month has rolled around quickly and again there is a lot happening with this growing organization. At HQ we are truly trying to involve the regions in just about everything. To say “everything” would be wrong as decisions have to be made daily on items that affect the organization – and it would be difficult if not impossible to consult all Directors on every item. So we judge which ones to “go out “for comments – this is a judgment call and some items are borderline or need a decision now. Where possible we will consult. We will not always be right – we are learning and growing – bear with us please.

There are items that will need your input and need time to be done correctly and properly. The Constitution for NATO Veterans Org of Canada needs a rewrite – and the first Draft is attached to get the discussion started. This draft revision was started for us by our lawyer Director at Large Michael Laurie from Newfoundland.

The NATO Vet Org Web page is being revised also – with the patient Webmaster Michael Bryan and Adjutant Cal Bellamy working together to enhance and update. Keep your eye on the Web page and let us know if you like the changes.

I will be issuing a new NATO Exec Org Chart in the next week – as soon as we figure out how to get it on a chart!! One key point is Doug Brunton will be the Regional Coordinator for all 10 Regions (with the help of Gerry Bryan) and Doug will be contacting each provincial person on a Cross Canada Check up. Hopefully this will be done before our Quarterly Conference Call for all Regional and HQ Exec on this Saturday 10 April at 1115 a.m, Eastern Time! For Regional heads –if you can’t be on call –PLEASE have an alternative listen in for you

As for the roll out, Phase 3A happening from now till 15 April 2010 where we have established a provincial presence – this is Work in Progress. We have some mature Units who are established for organization, dress etc while others units are just starting up – a real spectrum. Our tireless Adjutant Cal Bellamy has sent out a start up kit to most if not all. Cal has sent out a memo today on a number of important administrative items – Thoms Funeral being important – do let him know. He also mentions about Director Betty Goodison and her duties as well as the Buddy system.

Phase 3B will be starting now with our cross Canada recruiting and advertising campaign under James Bonney - from our Conference Call till Sept 2010. We will discuss specifics on” how” on our Conference Call this Saturday. This will be the most interesting and challenging period for the NATO Veterans Organization – grow we must and grow we will. We will do this a step at a time so that at our AGM in Oct your Exec can report on not just a dynamic NATO Veteran Organization year BUT now NATO Veterans on the road in Phase 4 to becoming a spokesman for the post Korean War veteran! We have over 60 years of NATO and NORAD veterans – repeat veterans – to draw on.<

“Watch this spot for future developments” – and be part of it!


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

July 24 2013


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan