19 May 2010

The Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Veterans Affairs and Minister of State ( Agriculture)
Veterans Affairs Canada
66 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0P4

Dear Minister Blackburn,

I am most pleased to congratulate you on your recent appointment as Minister of Veterans Affairs and welcome your efforts on behalf of Canada’s veterans. In respect of our members and as National President of the “NATO Veterans Organization of Canada”, I share your concern for our veterans and am committed to their welfare and support.

The NATO Veterans Organization of Canada was formally established and registered on 17 February, 2007 with the primary intent to commemorate the sacrifice of all Canadian veterans who have served in NATO operations and to advocate to the government on their behalf as well as to progress the interests of all other Canadian veterans. Our membership has quickly grown and now stands in excess of 1000 members – larger than either of the Peacekeeping associations. It also has the potential to grow significantly as we are presently involved in extending our mandate with doors open to all who have served in Canada’s military. As an example, I was recently pleased to welcome BGen (Retired) Duane Daly , former Dominion Secretary of The Royal Canadian Legion, as a Director and Advisor to our association.

As an established and growing organization of veterans, I am concerned that Veterans Affairs Canada has not formally recognized the “NATO Veterans Organization of Canada” and has not included it along with other veteran organizations in meetings concerning the development of the New Veterans Charter, in commemorative activities in Canada, or as members of commemorative delegations abroad. It is requested that this oversight be corrected and that the “NATO Veterans Organization of Canada” be accorded full recognition and involvement as with the Peacekeeping veteran organizations in Canada.

Looking forward to your response, and in support of our veterans, I remain


Gordon Jenkins
National President

The NATO Veterans Organization of Canada

35 Biscayne Cr
Ottawa ON K2E 5R9

Cc: Ms. Suzanne Tining, Deputy Minister, VAC