NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 03 2014

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

NVOC Status Report -for June 2014

July 3, 2014

Fellow Veterans


You will notice this report below is no longer called the Presidents Monthly Status Report but the NATO Vets Status Report-as it is our Execs intention that future reports will be a coordinate Report with a current status from all sections of NVOC including regions

This one is not perfect nor complete-but a start!

For NVOC Advocacy subcommittee the recent announcement by Minister Fantino expressing his support for the Report of the Standing Committee of Veterans Affairs on the recommendations for amendments to the New Veterans Charter is positive and welcome news. NATO VETS was one of the contributors to this report and NVOC are very pleased with the Minister's announcement of support. We now await the implementation of those recommendations.

Again on NVOC Advocacy the Minister VAC s announcement of the appointment of former Naval Officer Thomas Jarmyn to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board (VRAB), in a position of Board Member and the Deputy Chairperson is again welcome news. This is a further indication that the Minister and his staff are listening to moderate veteran's organizations. The VRAB Board's members now consist of more than 50% military, medical or policing experience (12 of 23). The last nine new members appointed to the Board have been CAF and RCMP Veterans, and one nurse.. I don't think it is an overstatement to say NATO Vet advocacy efforts, combined with those of other moderate Veterans Associations, are having an impact on veteran's issues.

For the NVOC Membership subcommittee we have identified the problems in membership a data base and Gary Pollock and Mike Bryan has the solution well in hand. The solution in general terms is to have an online secure data base and at the same time a new updated web page. The two go hand in glove. More specific details will be issued by Gary and team as above take shape.

For NVOC Regional subcommittee - ANNEX A Doug Brunton below gives some interesting details what is going on in the Regions

For Strategy Subcommittee of Ivan Fenton- the current work of the Strategy Sub Committee is to coordinate the development of NVOC's strategy for the future.

The NVOC mission statement - approved at the April Board meeting - is “To speak for modern veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, in order that they receive the support they deserve from their country.”

    NVOC's objectives, meant to define all activities which, in total, will accomplish the Mission, were approved at the May Board meeting, with a sub-committee lead for each:
  • Advocate to government, particularly through VAC, in order to influence services and programmes for veterans and their dependants.(Advocacy, Executive)
  • Educate politicians at all levels, community organizations, and ordinary Canadians on the needs of injured, frail and needy veterans and their dependants. (Communications, Regions)
  • Maintain liaison, and when possible collaboration, with other veterans' groups. (Advocacy, Executive)
  • Maintain liaison with CAF leadership, to be aware of, and give advice on, conditions of service that may affect future veterans. (Strategy)
  • Engage veterans in all regions of the country, seeking their input on issues needing attention, and educating them about their rights and benefits. (Membership, Communications)

Currently, the lead sub-committee for each of these objectives has been directed to prepare a list of tasks to accomplish that objective, for approval at the July Board meeting.

As I said the Report is not perfect but a start to reflect what is going on in various areas of NATO Vets - both at HQ and the Regions


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

July 03 2014


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan