NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - June 10 2014

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

NVOC Presidents Monthly Status Report -for May 2014

May 31, 2014

Fellow Veterans


As I mentioned in my December 2013 Status Report" "Our combined forces challenge in 2014 is that of membership solidifyying and groeing our all important membership base:

In our NATO headquarters we have dvided because of out growth into not a patchwork approach -rather a completee orgasniztion renewalof all of NATO Veterans from the individual member up.

We have set up four Committees or Groups of interesteted doers to make this happen- workomgtogether with membebers and each other - harmony and progress are key words

  • Gary Pollock and his Team has priority and key challenge to get Membership base in order - who has paid /not paid.addresses etc- we are big enough now that we need and are seeking professional help
  • Doug Brunton and his Team will come up with a plan -probably late Summer or Fall- on Regional organization and the best way to involve members of NVOC,
  • Ivan Fenton and Team are working step by step to develop a professional Strategy that will form a basis to take NVOC into the next step in our development -out new Mission statement geives you and indicator where NVOC is heading strategically!
  • Advocacy is still our "bread and buttier" -our advocacy items developed by Tud and his Team habe interestingly enough been congruent with the Ombudsman and the othe Modern and Traditional Vet Orgs such as ANAVETS amd Legion- a common front was fiven to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veterans - NNVOC gave our presentayion together with the Royal Canadian Legion.We were treated as a peer with RCL - to achieve a retain respect with fellow vet orgs - some are quite outspoken and Ministers Office and Ombudsman and you our members is walking a real tightrope

So that is our organizaruin renewal- NVOC now has a Headquarters Team of Patron.Advisors , Committee Heads and committee members second to none

It is necessary to have a quality headquarters -but members are the key -

what worries me

-and all members can help

- is this HQ has to speak for the members - make you want to pay your dues because we are doing something - advocacy you want !

Help us -give feedback - to be relevant we have to reflect your views


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

June 10 2014


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan