NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - March 24 2014

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January 01, 1970

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January 01, 1970

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NVOC Presidents Monthly Status Report -for March 2014

March 24, 2014

Fellow Veterans


It has been a very busy and important month in our advocacy efforts. The most significant of which was our NATO Veterans Organization of Canada appearance at the House of Commons Standing Committee of Veteran Affairs. Our message to the politicians was clear and unequivocal - it is time to STOP CONFUSING MOTION with ACTION - the time for studies has passed, it is time to see real change and real improvements being made.

Rather than summarize the presentation (it is available on our website), let me acknowledge that many members gave of their time and experience in putting together the submission. Special thanks go out to the NVOC Advocacy Committee, chaired by Tud Kaulback, and to Percy Price also represented us. Drawing on his in-depth understanding of the subject material, he was well able to get the Committee members to the same understanding of the issues and solutions. In preparation for the Committee appearance, we reached out to other Veterans groups (in addition to the Office of the VAC Ombudsman) and informed them of our positions. As a result of this proactive stance, the Committee heard our concerns raised through other voices as well - all to say - our messages got across. It was made quite apparent to the audience that the New Veterans Charter is in need of significant improvements and another study or intensive review is not needed. It is time for definitive action.

I have received good feedback from our presentation from both Committee members and other Veterans groups alike. It was a great pleasure, but more so, a great privilege to speak to the Committee on behalf of the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada in advocating for all Veterans regardless of their period of service to Canada.

This month we also sent a position paper to VAC regarding Commemorations and this has been posted to our web page. A letter to the editor also addressed this issue and it too can be seen at the webpage. Put succinctly, while noble in thought and in spirit, the commemoration of events must be done in a balanced manner and must be conducted in such a fashion that the programs and services available to our Veterans are not taking a back seat. Fostering the well-being of our Veterans through the provision of much needed programs and services - addressing the physical and mental healthcare needs of our Veterans - is vital to upholding the unwritten covenant that the Government and Canada has with its Veterans. A commemorative event that serves as a photo-op for our elected officials cannot trump the services that a Veteran needs, and to which they are entitled. This letter to the editor had an immediate impact.

It is high time that the Government clearly articulates and puts into legislation the covenant that it holds with our Veterans and all members of the Canadian Armed Forces. The time for motion is over, it is now time for action and for the government to show all Canadians exactly where its priorities are placed. We did our duty. It is time that the Government does its duty and upholds the covenant it has with those who served and those who continue to serve. NVOC will continue our efforts to demand change and see that 'dignity and respect' are once again words that have meaning.


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

March 24 2014


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