NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - March 18 2014

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Commemorations - and addressing the living Veterans needs first.

Letter to the Ottawa Citizen - March 17, 2014

There has been a lot of news of recent in the media surrounding the commemoration of Canada's Military History. The commemoration of the sacrifices of our Veterans and demonstrating respect of, and for, the significant and ongoing contributions of our men and women in the uniform of the Canadian Armed Forces is an important part of the fabric of our country.

Most Canadians will likely agree on the importance of the current and future generations understanding the sacrifices that are being made and were made in protecting a way of life that extols our Canadian values of equality, respect, freedom, peace and democracy - the very cornerstones of our society. While noble in thought and in spirit, the commemoration of events must be done in a balanced manner and must be conducted in such a fashion that the programs and services available to our Veterans are not taking a back seat. Fostering the well-being of our Veterans through the provision of much needed programs and services - addressing the physical and mental healthcare needs of our Veterans - is vital to upholding the unwritten covenant that the Government and Canada has with its Veterans.

Financial resources have to be spent on addressing the multiplicity and complexity of Veterans needs first.

The NATO Veterans Organization of Canada supports the programming and services directed to addressing the needs of all our Veterans. Let us as a Nation, not forget that our Veterans are a national treasure and that they have earned the right to receive services from a grateful country. It is all a question of where the government wants to commit the resources that all Canadians have provided.



Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

March 18 2014


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan