NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - March 01 2014

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

NVOC Presidents Monthly Status Report -for Feb 2014

February 28, 2014


An interesting month! In summary -NVOC has reorganized at HQ with a number of new additions to the NVOC Exec Team. These are people who are known in veterans community - people who genuinely want to help with only the veterans interest in mind. They also are experienced or specialists “in their own area”

Why this reorg?

NVOC are now seriously moving - not “lip service” - we have now -by this reorg -moved from a small “start up” to a functioning respected Canadian “all veteran” veterans organization.

NATO Vets has need asked to appear as a “witness” this coming Thurs at the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veteran Affairs. We will be putting forth advocacy issues you have being asking for. And you will get a copy of presentation once done to keep all members in the loop - and we really do work:>)

Yes respected - by VAC ,by Ministers Office ,by Ombudsman and by the other moderate veteran organizations - NVOC works with all of them. This being regarded as a peer and a respected peer has taken more time than we ever realized.

We triple check our Press Releases before issuing,we coordinate with similar vet organizations - mostly the equivalents to us in modern day veteran area. WW2 or Korea is not our generation and this group have power house vet organizations to speak for them.

Changing in an organization or in anything in life is not easy --both for Executive Cadre and members - but the NVOC must change to survive. And survive we will - and expand.

NATO veterans and modern day veterans must be heard by the ruling government of the day. This “being heard” is becoming more difficult- traditional ways are not working. We have to plan , and advocate for not only what you our members want -but also what is practical. This is a fine line on which to find a balance.

This is the NATO Vet Execs commitment - we will listen to members and act responsibly. For this we need the feedback from members - this we are and will be seeking more .We also will be providing you on new developments and information in veterans benefits.

With your feedback as NATO modern day veteran and our Exec team of volunteers we can make a difference - a good combination eh?


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

March 01 2014


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