NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 18 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents October 2010 Status Report

Vol 2 Issue 10 - October 1, 2010

Greetings to Members of NATO Veterans Org of Canada.


As I mentioned in my September Status Report there has been daily some item in the media about veterans –Veteran Affairs revelations, New Veterans Charter problems , veteran pensions,e.g. Lump Sum payment, the Ombudsman , the list goes on! This is happening just as NATO Vet Organization is finishing setting up at HQ in Ottawa and at various stages of organization across Canada. NATO Veterans Organization has been involved in these to the point of these items diverting and delaying our set up and recruiting initiative phase for NATO Veterans Organization of Canada.

It would be so easy to spend all our time on Adcvcacy - writing letters to Editor, attending Ministers and Ombudsman and other protest meetings /marches /suppers/petitions/...

So what to do? Well most of the items mentioned above are "reactive" - items we can’t plan for - and they are stretching our formative NATO Veterans Org to adequately react yet to keep the setting up and recruiting of our nesw organiztion in focus.

The Ombudsman asked us to attend his meeting on the 14 Sept - The Minister of Veterans Affairs asked NATO Vet Org to attend a meeting in the Ministers Office Ottawa 15 Sept 2010 - The Minister of National Defence on another a few days later - istalation of the Governor General and so on the rest of Sepptember and now into October.

We will still have the electronic Conference Call on the 2 Oct 2010 for all the HQ and Regional Exec at 1130 EST. A Special information Package will be sent out prior to the Oct 2 2010, Conference Call, - the Agenda is below.

Finally, for the period or “Phase four “from now till 1 Jan 2011 , NATO Vet Org will be focusing on an increase in our numbers. To be “a Voice to be listened to ” - for modern day veterans OR put another way -post Korean War Veterans” . Regions who are organized will be reaching out – newly established regional Units will have this as their next priority- our new Recuiting Dirctor Randy Sutton –will all help and guide the regions. We are targeting 2000 members by beginning New Year.

So from above- Ministers Meeting – Constitution/By Laws – Recruiting Campaign -we are active and growing and becoming more recognized.


Best Regards


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

July 18 2013


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