NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - December 19 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Monthly Status Report – December 2013

December 18, 2013


Our combined forces challenge in 2014 is that of membership and growing our base of support and engagement and we are taking the steps to do so. One such demonstration of improvements we are making is the new "email direct" from HQ to members. This is a two way channel for communications - we can get the word out instantaneously and our NVOC members have a channel to the HQ in return. Each one of us joined this organization to see improvements and we are all ears and value the tremendous feedback already received and also comments from our recent the Annual General Meeting.

In looking at what we can do to improve our internal functions we are making some important changes which will see a far better flow of information and coordination of our activities. Fundamental to this improvement is the realignment of the HQ functions into Administration, Advocacy/Liaison, Communications and lastly, Strategy Planning – all to better handle and manage our growth in the coming year.

Specifically; Doug Brunton is appointed for six months as the Chair of Administration Group (and a vote after this six month period for a successor). Tud Kaulbach becomes the Chair of Advocacy and Liaison, the key is defining the areas/issues for which YOU want NVOC to advocate (VIP). Matt Carson will lead our Communications Group and Ivan Fenton has graciously taken on Strategy Planning. The NVOC Organizational chart will be issued within the next week.

The NVOC role is that of working together with like-minded Veteran Organizations, with VAC and the Ministers Office, with the media and other supportive organizations. We are well-respected for this approach. We work hard every day to maintain the access this grants us. Respect is hard to earn and can be lost in a heartbeat, so we will continue to strategically engage the powers-to-be. We will not tilt at windmills. The well know credo of "keep our powder dry", still stands as our approach and we will also maintain open channels of communications with our partners and Stakeholders alike.

The Year 2014 is building up to be a banner year for the NVOC and with your continued help and inputs, we can influence the much needed improvements to Veterans’ issues in Canada. We can make it happen!

On behalf of your entire Executive team, please accept our deep felt wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.



Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

December 19 2013


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan