NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - December 13 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents NVOC November Status Report

November 6, 2013


November 11th Remembrance Day should not be the only day we remember veterans who made the supreme sacrifice - or now Veterans week - but that is the way it is.

It is definitely not the time for demonstrations - and that is the way it is or should be also. NATO Vets are participating in remembering everywhere- from the Senate excellent Remembrance Ceremony Ottawa - to a small wreath laying in an outpost memorial in Newfoundland. The sentiment is the same -We Will Remember Them

On a NATO Business note- The NATO Veterans Organization of Canada (NVOC) or (NATO Vets) is going through a reorg and rethink of our approach due to our growing numbers and position we are taking on veterans issues.

The most important issue is "One message and many voices" And the voice and message should be - Enough studies -time for action Minister Fantino. The present government appears to have “stopped in mid settlement” of the much vaunted “living” New Veterans Charter. Time for action Mr Minister VAC- enough of future intensive studies /reports/ Standing Committees etc. Time for action.

Due process is necessary -yes- but there must be some areas that can be announced by you Minister that dont need Legislative approval??? Some small steps - say in the VIP program. Action - not more studies! Lets show veterans who are living that their New Veterans Charter is living also. If we can’t depend on political action -not to date “lip service” - then it is some other area we must look to - the judiciary ?

The veterans organization landscape or scene is changing Minister - and so must VAC and for that matter NATO Vets. Modern day veterans will soon outnumber traditional veterans, A strategic study by - and on NVOC strategy- on NVOC future direction. This Study is now nearing completion by a known and senior respected senior ex CF Officer - you -as members of NVOC-will be consulted and have your input once Study is finished.

Not an easy task for one organization to assess and tackle - so NVOC are working with whomever has the sane overall goal - we need and will work with peers. We are aiming overall for NOT many Voices and many messages-as has been in the past but rather to facilitate with our peer modern day/ post Korean veteran organizations - and traditional allies as well. One message and many voices.

NATO Veterans Organization of Canada - in our short life to date - is beginning to make its mark and recognized as one of the main “voices of reason” in the veterans’ community. Why? - One reason is the NVOC Executive is composed of known and respected veterans - all “known” and experienced in the veterans community. We do not want to be “king of the mountain” - rather we want and will work with our peer veteran organizations - the Ombudsman - the Ministers Office and VAC. We believe in “step by step” - work within the system - consensus. We are consulting and listening to our NVOC veteran members.

This is already having resonance in light of the radical views being spouted by a handful of aggressive and very negative vets, who are doing severe damage to the public image of the veterans' community in Canada.

Stay tuned - NVOC is changing, moving and growing not only with members but supporters.

We Will Remember Them



Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

December 13 2013


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