NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - September 11 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents NVOC September Status Report

September 11, 2013



We getting into the Fall routine with a few changes of new faces (- welcome Dave Edgecombe and Jerry Kovacs ) and process- all positive signs . There will be other changes in our direction and our "Cabinet" as we grow & based on outside changes. We must change inside and not stagnate. There will be more NVOC "Cabinet changes" to strengthen NVOC and help us grow. We also will have a "back up Exec"- fully briefed "stand in" as a Deputy in case of extended vacation/ illness /incapacitation. You will be notified on an org chart after the AGM elections.

For example ,NNOC now have a new Communication Director John Stuart who will be the" traffic cop "or coordinator for all communications coming out of HQ. First John " clears" then signed by either myself or Doug Brunton signs - depending on subject of specific item. Of course the NATO Web page is to remain our central method of information sharing - with Mike Bryan who is part of John Stuart's "part of ship". Please get in the habit of checking the NATO Web page regularly.

The next positive change is NVOC now has a system that will give us the ability to communicate electronocally directly with members by Emails - we are just starting this system - so bear with us! The intent is for all NVOC members being up to date and informed for example on advocacy initiatives NATO Vets and other vet organizations.How do we contact our members that do not have email will be addressed also.

Then there has been more work than we realized on the new regulations for non profit organizations dictated by Industry Canada (IC) . By laws were rewritten - forms filled out for IC- a massive mailing including a necessary vote was also part of the new Government regulations. Add to this the paper work for organizing our Annual General Meeting - and I would have to list just about everyone on the Exec- and thank them for this time consuming but essential tasks!

So to summarize the above the trend is to get closer to our members -and listen to them - and then with the help of not just the Advocacy Team of Tud Kaulbach with Percy Price make your feelings know in the right places! We are becoming as an organization more forceful - not militant- forecful . This is an area we are as an Exec discussing. We at HQ know we must reflect modern day veteran needs if we are to continue growing. Spread the word - many voices but one message - modern day veterans will not be overlooked!



Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

September 11 2013


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan