NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - July 26 2013

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January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

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January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

President's Status Report July 2013

July 25, 2013

Greetings to all
Last year we closed down for July August - but so much has happened recently that we have to “stay open” for the summer.


Glad we did - we have a new Minister at the helm of VAC and we were the "first off the mark" to communicate with him. NVOC has been asked to brief the Minister of our issues and concerns in mid August on a “one on one" basis. This speaks volumes to the fact that the NVOC has a strong working relationship with the Department and we have no issues in speaking truth to power. Without this access we would be doing our members and the serious nature of our concerns short shrift. Building strong working relationships that result in access and in being heard is what we strive for. Without a voice, we would not be able to speak for the modern day veteran. As many will recall, selection and maintenance of the aim is all important.

In looking across the various organizations involved with veterans issues, including the Department of Veterans Affairs, it is clear that they are all changing to adapt to a changing world.

With that said, as the operating environment changes, we too have to take stock and take full advantage of the opportunities that are present. Over the past few months the executive has determined that as part of our ongoing planning exercises that it is high time we undertake our own review to make sure we are on track to success and are offering the best advice on behalf of our membership.

We are fortunate to have Ivan Fenton on board to help steer this planning exercise and as he is know to many members through his distinguished career in the Canadian Armed Forces, I will not go into his biographical notes. All to say, the executive team knows that he will be well supported in this undertaking. This planning exercise will ensure that we have the right focus to move NVOC forward over the upcoming years. This is an exciting time for NVOC as today generally we are seeing that in the world of veterans groups there is a 'world of differences rather than similarities'.

So what does that all mean to you, the member? First of all, it means that we want to hear your issues and concerns, through emails or on our Facebook page, please drop us a line, we need to hear from you. Second, it means that you can expect to see more communications about the results of the planning exercise. Third, it means we will have a renewed focus on what is important to the modern day veteran which can only serve all of us in communicating to our family and friends, our neighbours, our community, our elected representatives, that the voice of the modern day veteran is loud, it is clear and it knows what is needed to ensure that past, present and future servicemen and servicewomen are honoured for their sacrifices and are treated respectfully via the policies and programs of a grateful country.

A tall order perhaps, but we have to have the target clearly in our sights.

Stay tuned.


Gordon Jenkins
President NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
Email :




Last modified

July 26 2013


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