NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - April 17 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

March 2013 NVOC Presidents Status Report

March 2013

Greeting Veterans


Where we are now for several key areas is as follows:
Renewal and Recruiting for NVOC The Renewal Program is just winding down (but not stopping!) We are now shifting gears to recruiting. Regions in particular will see more emphasis in this area as we roll out the recruiting initiative with new pamphlets, posters, and an automated Email system that sends to all members.
Advocacy for NVOC - The Outreach program of Veterans Affairs has definitely "taken a hit" - as one NVOC wag put it "VAC C'town has "closed their shutters". No future Stakeholder Meetings in the future that have been announced/minutes of Dec 2012 received yesterday/ 2 to 4 months to have letter answered/meetings with VAC postponed then postponed again The reason most likely for- is that VAC Departmental officials and staff are focusing on the necessary internal VAC reorganization for improved service mandated by PCO. Alas one cannot do two jobs at the same time - and VAC internal Coulter reorganization has trumped outreach or even service to veterans.

Where we are going based on the above appreciation:
Renewal and Rctg - Will stay the same and on track - the situation not only emphasizes the need for numbers but will give existing and new members the realization that NVOC is their voice to be heard on advocacy issues.
Advocacy and NVOC - NVOC advocacy aims are still the same - VIP program and Long Term Care. We will not be issuing any more letters to minister - three letters sent - three responses received - always the same answer. For LTC modern day veterans have no priority now for beds in the provincial hospital system. So what to do in future? First off is to maintain pressure on VAC but a trend with NVOC will be increased efforts outside the VAC system. We will be taking part in our first protest in NB next week. We will be presenting to the 20 April 2013 Royal Canadian Legion Consultation Conference a hard hitting paper on Long Term Care. The "divide and conquer" of different veterans organizations has to end. A veteran is a veteran - and the line between a traditional veteran org and a modern day veteran's org is an artificial one. One spokesman is needed - preferably the Legion - that speaks for all veteran organizations. RCL has the size, infrastructure, resources and finances. The key here is that the RCL treats the other organizations as peers and not as sub units of the Legion.

So changes are coming to NVOC - step by step - being flexible - and keeping our powder dry has been out hallmarks.

Are we becoming more militant - simple answer yes.

Seems to be the only way we can get things done around here!

Stay tuned


Gord - President
NATO Veterans Organization of Canada




Last modified

April 17 2013


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan