NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - April 21 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report

February 2013

Greeting Veterans


The Advocacy Working Group under Tud Kaulbach is regrouping . The problem is the Veterans Affair Canada Department is primarily on their internal reorganization -as a result advocacy items have not and are alas not been their primary focus.

Added to this are some new issues for VAC to deal with a result of their reorganization -unintended consequences due to the new VAC Cutting Red Tape program for VIP, provinces now veterans hospitals.etc .

So this has left most veterans organizations in a quandary as to how be heard responsibly - including NVOC. Also where for NVOC to refocus on now?? - the benefits area looks now as the most promising area??

    The Marketing Working Group under Mat Carson
  • renewals and recruiting has now been broken down into
  • focus on clearing up the renewal of existing membership
  • then move into a recruiting mode -with new pamphlets , posters and focus on recruiting.

On Communications Working Group under Mark Paine in John Stuart Leave of Absence- the NVOC web page ,Twitter , Blog, Facebook are now" under one roof and one Director. Now Mark will be able to come up with a plan to knit together and coordinate NVOC internal and external communications.

The Regional Reorganization Working Group under Doug Brunton ( Project New Start) are tackling the challenge of how best to realign the regions . Trying to set up Units alas did not work - the two existing Units will be "grandfathered" and numerous coordinators in the Region under the Director of Regions is in planning process

So step by step we are getting organized - we can do this if we work together - our successful approach has been one of camaraderie not confrontation- don't lose patience with us - we are growing - and have growing pains:>)


Gord - President
NATO Veterans Organization of Canada




Last modified

April 21 2013


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan