NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - April 21 2013

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report

January 2013



I am now in a position where I have little to report- delegation has now been made to NATO Vet Working Groups made up of Directors each with a chosen team of experienced and new members of their Team. See below the list of people involved in this years undertaking- I count 25 - closer to 30 who are involved in one way or another (30 if I add the ones I commit faux pas and accident left off OR new ones who have joined since I did List)

  • The first and probably key one is the Membership and Recruiting Working Group under Matt Carson with a chosen team to address renewals and new membership. We must grow to be credible - next month there will be a Plan you will all be informed of and right down to district representatives be asked to participate
  • The Regional Reorganisation Working Group under Bob Grant reporting through Director Doug Grant is under way. We need coast to coast regional representation and Bob and Doug are coming up with a Plan how to do this!
  • The Communications Working Group under Director John Stuart and has submitted a plan for final approval through Jarrott Holzhaeur. We -under Johns guidance - will no longer be "the best kept secret"of a "sunrise " veterans organization - the growing veterans organization! He and his Team will get the word out!
  • The Advocacy Working Group is refining and making clearer "why" a veteran should join in the first place - we are not just comradeship but also a combined voice in advocacy for NATO veterans.There are so many issues "out there" for modern day veterans -and NATO Vets can only choose a couple for our just beginning organization
  • Jarrott Holthaeur our VP and Director of Policy and Procures is a deputy coordinating all these plans and new procedures are not been duplicated or in conflict

In February March only we will find out how these semi autonomous Working Groups are fulfilling their challenge - then we we will look at progress - what “tweets” have to be made or serious readjustments made. But the key point is we have begun - new members are joining- senior people have asked and are joining in this initiative!

In all, for the first time,the NATO Vets has the “Divisions in the field” moving - with Divisional Heads chosen , Heads have formed their teams and have been given "flexibility" to adjust. Progress will be assessed on the "battlefield" and it is no longer just HQ organizing and administering to medals etc. HQ is still here as a base - but the work is now down a level to make the NATO Vets what we have said - a growing vibrant modern day veterans organization- working with our peer veteran organizations - either traditional or modern day.

Now - away we go!!


Gord - President
NATO Veterans Organization of Canada




Last modified

April 21 2013


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan