NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - November 21 2012

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report - October 2012

Posted October 9, 2012


NATO Vets had taken a much needed recess June /July /August. Mid Sept to October has been spent getting caught up in our respective areas. Add to that, beginning the end of October till mid November is the Remembrance Day busy period for Exec Officers in Ottawa and the organization and the same in every Region. A busy time - yet the focus of beginning the planned and promised Phase 3: NATO Vets Recruiting/Marketing can not and will not be put off. Hence the focus of yesterdays NATO Exec Meeting was given by Matt Carson - the new Director of Recruiting and Marketing on his plans for the Phase 3 Recruiting -which is starting this month.

You will be seeing more from Matt and his Team in the upcoming weeks- NATO Vets Phase 3 has begun. To reinvigorate this process their has been a change in the "team lineup". Please see the org chart of NATO Vets attached and the Draft- hopefully the final one of the reorganized Team, I have tried to speak to each and every one of you on the Org chart - so there should be no surprises. There will be wording change - even people change - we have some of our Team with "health issues" but the basics are there. Please read the Terms of Reference - correct/comment - but bottom line is "away we go - Phase 3 -Marketing has begun. I would like to welcome on the NATO Executive -A.Robby McRobb as our new Director of Communications and PR & and wish the Matt's Working Groups on Recruiting as well as Doug /Bob Grant on Membership the best of luck Our future is in your hands!

NATO Veterans will work with all peer veteran organizations.We will move step by step - but we are growing - we have an Advocacy plan now - - and we have the Team(s) to make it happen!


Gord Jenkins- President
NATO Veterans Organization of Canada




Last modified

November 21 2012


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan