NATO Crest


President's News

Updated - October 09 2012

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January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

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January 01, 1970

January 01, 1970

more news from our president

Presidents Status Report - Sep/Oct 2012

Posted October 9, 2012


Phase Three is when we “move from the garage and into the office”as a fully fledged Canadian Veterans Organization. This will mean a change in organization and Exec (increase in our Executive numbers is of course necessary). We have moved more quickly than any of us thought as an organization –and so has the environment around us. We must adapt to these changes – same as we have in the past four years.

Our perspective has changed - we speak of modern day veterans and NATO Vets as if they were synonymous terms. Well it turns out they are – we are the largest growing modern day veterans organization.

From now on instead of formal North American Treaty Organization Veterans Organization of Canada title being used - the informal abbreviated title of "Veterans Organization of Canada " can in future be used.

We have tried – the Legion has tried- three then four veterans groups have tried to have a common alliance. This did not work – so NATO Vets is evolving to be the –repeat – The voice of modern day veterans.

We stand on our own – we grow- and are dependent on no other group or higher authority. We speak –or will continually speak -for modern day veterans. We will work with other vet organizations – we will -as appropriate -support their advocacy goals.

    Action Plan for 2013
  • ORGANIZATION CHART – Jarrott Holtzhaeur is developing as a first step a new organization chart for Phase 3. Once this is in Draft all the Exec will see.
  • EXECUTIVE INCREASE The next step will be to put people beside that block of the organization chart. Our Patron said that good military leaders are getting out every day – these should and will be contacted. There will be new faces around the Exec table including Regions.Duane Daly will help on this as well as advice from Patron.
  • RECRUITING / Membership Drive – a plan is being developed by Matt Carson and his Working Group – you will see the Plan in the next month. We are at 1200 paid up a member now – which makes us probably the largest modern day veteran organization. We are growing weekly – not losing members - we have a base of depending whose figures you use 125,000to 250,000 NATO members to start with.

And since we are enrolling veterans -only veterans - who want a voice from Korean War to present day -veterans and serving members -the number is.....?

As Jackie Gleason said

"away we go"!!!!!


Gord Jenkins- President
NATO Veterans Organization of Canada




Last modified

October 09 2012


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