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BBQ, Relayed, Reunion, Benys-sur-mer

From: Signallers Club
To: Signallers Club
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 10:56 PM
Subject: Signaller 32/10

Kingston BBQ & Games Day: A special thanks goes out to Gord Penney for his efforts in organizing the function, and to the merry band of gentlemen who are always there to help out. Noel Coward, Ron Knapton, Al Lawless, Larry Rodgers, Phil Lee and a special thanks to Jim Gratto who not only donated a carving but pestered everyone into buying tickets. A PDF of photos and comments has been created. I am just waiting for it to be added to the website then I will send the link.

Relayed from Gary Hayes: The 4`h of May 2010 marked the 100`h Anniversary of the Naval Service of Canada. As part of this historic event, a special naval cairn honouring Canada's senior service will be unveiled in Kingston's Navy Memorial Park adjacent to the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes the 17`h of July 2010. Consider a donation to help offset the financial cost associated with mounting this 100`h Anniversary cairn?
If interested, make cheque payable to Navy League of Canada (Kingston Branch) - Naval Cairn mailed to Capt. (N) John Plant, OMM, CD. 1295 Highway #2 East, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 4Vl.

Pacific Signaller's Reunion. Reminder that Reunion 2010 will be held in August, Friday - Saturday - Sunday 27-28-29. Again this year we will be gathering at the Qualicum First Nation Campground Details are at: http://www.troywoodintarsia.com/pacsigs/pacsigs.htm Once on the website link, scroll to appropriate button. For warned if you want to reserve sites at the camp site better commit real soon. Knowing your intentions by end June would realllllllllllly be appreciated by the planners

Benys-sur-mer 6Th of June commemoration
Jack Tennant sent along several photos of the commemoration at Benys-sur-mer. For a complete viewing I suggest you contact him. As always contact info is available through the members only portal. Or I can relay an email to him for you. I selected this single photo of the Gravestone of LCPL Elmer Swan Royal Canadian Corp of Signals …. We shall remember them.

Other Associations: I receive many emails from various members which are forwards from KOREAN VETERANs Association, Veterans Affairs and other agencies. I do not want to ignore these perhaps important items yet I wonder how many members who are interested in this news already subscribe to the posts: thus I am just repeating known information and consuming bandwidth.
So my thought is to simply make the various links known and you can visit or ignore at your pleasure

Korean War Veteran
An Independent Newsletter Dedicated to the Sacrifice and Indomitable Spirit of Veterans of the Korean War
you can subscribe to

Peter Scott
Public Relations Coordinator
Signallers Club of Canada

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April 22 2012
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