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2014 Lahr Reunion

Sadly I have been informed that the Kanada Haus is shutting down in November or sooner. With the drop in membership and lack of interest/involvement the time has come to close. I also understand that their lease was due to expire and wouldn’t be renewed, so they would have had to find another home. With the loss of membership and interest, funds dwindled, so shutting down seemed to be the only option.

On a positive note, people are still willing to help out when it comes to reunions in Lahr.

If there is enough interest in having one in the spring of 2014 (early May??), then let’s do it. The last two reunions were in the fall, so to be fare to all, maybe it’s time to have a spring one. I have been checking on Rhine River cruises, there is one that leaves Amsterdam and ends in Strasbourge; I think it is 8 days. With this cruise it would be easy to get to Lahr by train, or if enough people were on the cruise we might be able to arrange a bus to take us to Lahr.

After the cruise we could have a 4 - 6 day reunion in Lahr, then people could spend more time in Lahr, go off and see other parts of Europe or head back home. As this is 4 years away, it is to soon to get prices for a cruise, a lot could happen in the next 4 years.

I will wait for some feed back before putting this on web pages and Facebook. If anyone has suggestions or recommendations, feel free to e-mail me.

If anyone hears of any update to Kanada Haus, please let me know.

Cheers, Bill & Janice Moore

Last modified:
April 22 2012
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