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FCWM May E-bulletin

From: Victor Vaivads
To: fcwm.notes
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 10:21 PM
Subject: FCWM May E-bulletin

E-Bulletin - May 2010

Greetings Friends!

We have some anniversaries to let you know about this month, and some sad news to pass along.

May Celebrations

May is celebration month for the Canadian War Museum, and The Friends, as well as the 65th Anniversary of D-Day. On May 8, the CWM celebrates 5 years of the new museum building with several activities planned for the day. Similarly, the Friends celebrate its 25th Anniversary on May 30 with a special day at the War Museum. Many other activities are also happening related to the 65th Anniversary of the Victory in Europe, and the Liberation of Holland. Visit the web site and check out the current year events on the Friends web site for more information. For details of the Museum's May 8 program go to the CWM web site.

Recognition of Canadian Korean War Veterans

In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the start of the Korean War, the Korean Government is planning a special recognition of Canadian Veterans of the Korean War. As a result, the Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs in Korea has requested the names of all living Canadian War Veterans. If you or someone you know served in Korea with the allied forces (1950 -1953) or as a Peacekeeper(1953 - 1955) please contact:

Terry Wickens
National President, Korean Veterans
Association of Canada INC
120 -400 Grenfell Street
Oshawa Ontario L1J 4W7

Tel (905) 438-8206

Friends Annual General Meeting - June 10, 2010

Mark your calendars! The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Canadian War Museum will be held on June 10, 2010 at 1900 hours at the Museum. Hope to see you there.

Friends Book Sale

For the 5th year in a row, the Friends will be having an 'Outreach' Book Sale at Carlingwood Mall is confirmed for Saturday 15th May 2010. If you are in the area, please drop by and pick up an interesting book or two. --

If you know of any events that you think might be of interest to our fellow friends, please send me an email and I will help get the word out.

Victor Vaivads

Help us grow our membership. Pass this email along, or tell people you know about the Friends. Information on joining the Friends can be found at http://www.friends-amis.org/become_friends_e.html

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April 22 2012
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