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News for Disabled Members

Date: 2/4/2010 4:46:01 PM

Please distribute so that all to whom it applies will have the information.

D.D. (Dell) Blakney, CD1
Subject: New News for Disabled Members FM NDHQ CMP OTTAWATO CANFORGENBTUNCLAS CANFORGEN 031/10 CMP 017/10SIC

  1. Periodically CF members are the subject of a directed administrative release while concurrently they are in breach of universality of service (U of S). In the past, such individuals were released within 30 days of DMCA decision. However the speed of such releases has hindered the transition of the member into the care of veterans affairs canada (VAC)
  2. Since all serving and former CF members who breach U of S must make application to VAC for the rehabilitation program regardless of the reason for release and since VAC requires a period of time to conduct an assessment of need and to determine individual eligibility, the directed administrative release of members who breach U of S must be delayed until VAC eligibility has been determined
  3. DMCA, CO JPSU, and VAC have developed a process that will ensure cf members who are being administratively released and who also breach U of S are allocated sufficent time for VAC to determine the members eligibility for VAC services. Initially a release date of 60 days post DMCA decision will be established and the member shall be posted to the JPSU. However, the release shall not be finalized until VAC has determined eligibility.
    Key components of this process are: each member who is being administratively released and who is in breach of U of S shall have a transition interview (ti) with VAC within two weeks of DMCA rendering a decision to release and during the (ti) the member must make an application for VAC services, otherwise, release shall be actioned as soon as administratively possible. Once the member has applied for VAC services, VAC will conduct an assessment of eligibity. Once VAC has determined the eligibility of the member for VAC services, the member is then considered as having technically entered into the care of VAC. At this point the release shall then proceed to conclusion
  4. VAC will publish a complementry operational directive in the near future. Documentation of this process shall be incorporated into the CF framework of care currently under development. Questions regarding this process may be directed to LCOL J.G.B. Villeneuve, DMCA 4 (613) 992-1198
  5. Signed by MGEN W. Semianiw,

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