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ON TRACK magazine

From: Alain Pellerin
To: NATO Veterans
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 10:45 AM
Subject: CDA Institute's ON TRACK magazine, Volume 15 No. 1 (Spring 2010)

Dear Colleagues,

The Conference of Defence Associations Institute's quarterly journal ON TRACK, Volume 15, Number 1 (Spring 2010) is now available!

The electronic edition of ON TRACK is available on line at: www.cda-cdai.ca/cdai/on-track-library


Proceedings of the 26th Annual Seminar and of the 73rd Annual General Meeting
by Colonel (Ret'd) Brian MacDonald

A New Mission Statement for NATO
by Dr. Gerlinde Niehus

Security in an Uncertain World: A Canadian Perspective on NATO'S New Strategic Concept
by Arnav Manchanda

Crise identitaire et stratégique à l'OTAN: une explication
par Frédéric Labarre

Fighting for Work
by Drew Gilmour

Afghanistan and Al Qaeda: Second Thoughts
by Louis Delvoie

The Af-Pak Conundrum
by Adnan Qaiser

Canada, the United States and the Arctic
by Dwight N. Mason

The Coming Arctic Storm
by Dr. Rob Huebert

And book reviews of "In the Footsteps of First Canadian Army", "Uprising", "FOB DOC", "Intrepid Warriors", and "Courage Rewarded".

ON TRACK is the CDA Institute's defence quarterly journal and your valued source for informed commentary on national and international security and defence issues. Please feel free to send us your articles, thoughts and suggestions for publication to: pao@cda-cdai.ca

The CDA Institute is a charitable and non-partisan organization whose mandate is to provide research support to the CDA and promote informed public debate on security and defence issues. The CDA Institute is dependant on private donations; it is a registered charity and donations to it are tax deductible. In return, donors will receive ON TRACK and other publications for the next 12 months.

For more information on becoming a donor to the CDA Institute please visit: www.cda-cdai.ca/cdai/become-a-donor


Alain Pellerin, Colonel (Ret'd)
Executive Director, CDA-CDAI / Directeur exécutif, CAD-ICAD
222 rue Somerset Street West / Ouest, Suite 400B Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2G3

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