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Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary

From: Fred LeBlanc
To: Korean War Veterans
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 1:12 PM
Subject: Korean War Veterans

Fellow Veterans

In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the start of the Korean War, the Korean Government is planning a special recognition of Canadian Veterans of the Korean War. As a result, the Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs in Korea has requested the names of all living Canadian War Veterans. If you or someone you know served in Korea with the allied forces (1950 -1953) or as a Peacekeeper (1953 - 1955) please contact:

Terry Wickens
National President, Korean Veterans
Association of Canada INC
120 -400 Grenfell Street
Oshawa Ontario L1J 4W7

Last modified:
April 22 2012
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