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Benefit Reduction at age 65 -Bill C-201

From: Arsenault BM@ADM(IM) Dir IM Secur@Ottawa-Hull
Date: Friday, 16, April, 2010 07:45 AM
Subject: Military/RCMP Veterans

Just thought I'd pass this on..

Military/RCMP Veterans Against annuity Benefit reduction at age 65

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We need your help! This is the last mile for Bill C-201 to survive! On April 21, 2010, if members of the House of Commons fail to support it, then it will die!

All Veterans and Friends are urged to write/phone their members of Parliament to seek a YES vote for bill C-201. This is Bill C-201 FINAL debate and vote.

Remember if it fails, it will not be re-instated until a new Government is elected! It is therefore up to us to fight our pension issue. With any Mission, you can stand shoulder to shoulder, you can join the fight, or you can accept the STATUS QUO!

Please ensure that all Politicians understand that Military/RCMP Pension funds are SACRED to Veterans.

Please distribute far and wide, again and again!!


John Labelle
Military/RCMP Veterans
Against Annuity
Benefit Reduction at age 65

To: All Honourable Political Leaders
All Honourable Member of Parliament
Info: All Senators
Our Supporters
Mr. C.J. Wallace
Publisher Veterans Voice Info

April 12, 2010

Subject: Military/RCMP Veterans Pension issue - Bill C-201.

Dear Honourable Leaders and Members of the House

It has been over 44 years since the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) was enacted. For the past five (5) years, under the Leadership of Mr. Peter Stoffer, MP, a number of Private Member ' s Bills have been introduced to the House of Commons. The latest, Bill C-201 was introduced to the House as an initiative to terminate the unjust/unfair Veterans CPP pension deduction at age 65 or sooner if they become disabled.

Veterans believe that Bill C-201 is a Veterans pension issue and not a Political issue. It is therefore requested that all Political Leaders authorize their delegates a democratic free vote when Bill C-201 is presented in the House of Commons on April 21, 2010 for its final debate and vote.

Veterans seek no funds from the Public Account! The 20 billion dollars surplus that was depleted from our pension account would have been more than sufficient funds to pay for our untouched/unreduced Annuity. Furthermore, take into consideration that it will assist the Veterans who require their full pension the most and it would be revenue neutral. The Government coffers would receive more than 60% of it back in one form of tax or another.

What financial consideration is given to our Military/RCMP spouses? Many of them lost their career aspirations while supporting their spouse ' s career! Their dedication resulted in a loss of their CPP benefits. They have accepted the responsibilities of being a Mom and a Dad at many locations across Canada and around the world.

This is the perfect opportunity for all Leaders of Canada to express to the Military/RCMP Veterans and their Families their appreciation for the exemplary services they have provided, on a regular basis, to our Country. Vote yes, support Bill C-201 and demonstrate to them, their Spouses and their Children a tremendous gratitude, fairness and justice. It ' s the least that can be done for the great sacrifices they have provided! Calgary Legion food bank and charities for Veterans may not be necessary! Military/RCMP Veterans have gallantly served our Country Canada Veterans deserve our gratitude and respect, both while serving and in retirement! They deserve nothing less than to spend their Golden Years with the Financial Dignity they and their Families have paid for in so many different ways!


John Labelle
Campaign Coordinator
27 Dresden Court
Lower Sackville
Nova Scotia
B4C 3X1
Important Site: www.veteranvoice.info

Last modified:
April 22 2012
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