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The Memory Project

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Kailee Novikoff wrote:

Hello Mr. Jenkins, my name is Kailee Novikoff and I am writing on behalf of the Historica-Dominion Institute’s Memory Project Speakers’ Bureau. The Memory Project is a national speakers’ bureau of veterans from all conflicts and CF personnel who volunteer their time to speak with local schools and community groups. We currently have almost 1500 volunteer speakers and fill roughly 750 visits each year. As mentioned, the Memory Project is a completely volunteer commitment. If someone should join, they would simply provide us with contact details and a bit about their service experiences. When we had a request for a speaker in their area (we receive the majority of requests in the 6 weeks leading up to Nov. 11) we would call and suggest the visit. We tend not to ask volunteers to travel further than 20 min from their homes and any visit request can be accepted or declined based on the speakers’ interest and schedule.

As the majority of our volunteers are Second World War veterans, we are actively working to engage post Korean War veterans, including Peacekeepers and NATO vets as well as serving CF personnel to join the speakers’ bureau.

I am wondering if it would be possible to get a mailing list to send a package of information out to your branches and spread the word among your members about the opportunity to join our program. Alternatively, I could draft an email to be sent out should you have an email contact for the members as a whole.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated and I would be happy to speak with you further about better ways to engage all NATO members with the Memory Project. I invite you to browse our website www.thememoryproject.com (this is a general page for all our military/veteran initiatives, but click on the top right icon for the Speakers’ Bureau) for more information.


Kailee Novikoff
Programme Coordinator
The Memory Project
w 1.866.701.1867 ex. 233 | 416.506.1867 ex. 233
f: 416.506.0300
The Historica-Dominion Institute
Suite #301
43 Front Street E.
Toronto, Ontario
M5E 1B3

Last modified:
April 22 2012
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