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Focus Groups with Canadian Forces Veterans

Posted April 25, 2012

This spring, Veterans Affairs Canada will be conducting two different focus groups with Canadian Forces Veterans to learn more about their views and opinions.

We would appreciate your support in recruiting potential participants in this valuable research. By promoting this initiative within your membership, you will be assisting VAC in receiving valuable feedback to ensure the increased effectiveness of the programs and services it provides. Participation in these focus groups is strictly voluntary. The decision to take part will in no way affect any dealings that Veterans currently have or might have in the future with Veterans Affairs Canada.

The research will be conducted by two independent research firms, Harris/Decima and Phase 5 - both well qualified, third party professional research firms that are currently on the Government of Canada standing offer list for public opinion research. All opinions expressed will remain anonymous and views will be grouped together to ensure no particular individual can be identified. All information collected will be strictly confidential and used for research purposes only, in accordance with laws designed to protect your privacy.

Recruitment for potential participants in these focus groups will be taking place through the VAC Web site until May 4, 2012 - We invite you to promote these research opportunities with your organizations.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Colleen Soltermann at (902) 566-8912.

James Gilbert, Assistant Deputy Minister
Policy, Communications and Commemoration
Veterans Affairs Canada

Clarification on Recruitment

As part of the regular evaluation of Veterans Affairs Canada’s programs and services, the Department conducts research independently or with the assistance of a professional research firm. This includes public opinion research, such as the focus group testing, we are currently undertaking. This type of research provides key information in the delivery of our programs and services and helps determine their effectiveness.

Over the next three years, as part of VAC’s Transformation Agenda, opinion research will be conducted through a combination of focus group testing and surveys with Canadians and Veterans, still-serving members and families. This data will be used to monitor trends and levels of understanding and awareness of the VAC’s programs and services. The results will be used as a performance measurement tool to help inform future communications and outreach programming.

The e-mail that I sent yesterday refers to the recruitment underway of Canadian Forces Veterans who have been released since 2002, as well as still-serving members and families to participate in upcoming focus groups. These focus groups, along with other research, will allow VAC to learn more about their views and opinions. There are two distinct focus group projects being carried out with different selection criteria, one for programs and services for CF Veterans and one for communications products. Participants for each are being screened through the suppliers’ web sites.

The information VAC will gather through the public opinion research underway will complement the discussions that we have on an ongoing basis with Veterans’ organizations.



Last modified

September 08 2012


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