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Defence of Canada Medal Act (1946-1989)Bill C-354

Posted April 18, 2012

From: Hugh Message
To: Hugh Message
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 1:29 PM
Subject: Fw: Defence of Canada Medal Act (1946-1989)Bill C-354


5th of April, 2012


From the "message centre"


Thank you Ray.

We are being asked to support this motion.


Details below...


While most private members bills fail to become law, Bill C-354, the Defence of Canada Medal Act is one that AFP/AAC is encouraging members to support. Introduced by Carol Hughs, MP for Algoma-Manatoulin-Kapuskasing, the bill seeks to establish an award formally honouring individuals who defended Canada from within Canada to ensure the survival of the country's people and democratic way of life during the Cold War. It would retroactively recognize those who served in the regular and reserve forces, police forces, emergency measures organizations, as well as civil organizations, such as St. Johns Ambulance, all of whom were focused on protecting Canada from the threat posed by the countries behind the Iron Curtain. The Bill represents the hard work and vision of a constituent, says Hughs. "C-354 was brought to me as a complete proposal by Elliott Lake resident Ulrich Krings shortly after I was first elected. I introduced it in the 40th and 41st parliaments where it garnered interest from all over Canada as people recognize relatives, friends and others who would be suitable candidates for such an honour." Many people want to give something back to all those who worked to keep us safe and prepared in case of an attack on Canadian soil, she explains. "There is a great desire from people who have contacted me to recognize the contributions made by Canadians from all walks of life during the Cold War. Hopefully the Defence of Canada Medal proposal can help focus those desires into a tool that will allow Canada to do that." The Cold War lasted from 1946 when Sir Winston Churchill made his famous speech proclaiming " an iron curtain has descended across the continent," until the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989. This period in the history of Canada, and the world, shaped the lives of the many men and women who served the nation as a member of the Armed Forces and other organizations. The medal would be awarded by the Governor in Council to any Canadian citizen or permanent resident with a minimum cumulative period of three years of service in one or more of the specified organizations during the period commencing 1 June 1946 and ending on 30 November 1989. Anyone who would like to offer their support for this initiative can let their MP and others know about Bill C-354, says Hughs. "They can also write the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defence, and even the Governor General about the idea. I would certainly be glad to be copied on those messages and will use the information to keep interested parties in the loop when developments on the proposal occur." Contact your MP today to express your support for the private members bill. A list of contact details for all MP's is located on our website at



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September 08 2012


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