NATO Crest


Policy & Procedure

Updated - November 01 2012

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Voting Procedures

September 1, 2011

The purpose of this policy is to outline the voting procedures for meetings, including the Annual General (AGM), Board, Executive and Unit

Any member participating in a meeting may vote at any of the above meetings by a show of hands or by electronic means.

All motions requiring a vote, including nominations for Directors will be provided to all members 30 days in advance of the meeting either by electronic means or by mail.

Units will consolidate returns and pass to the Regional HQ. Regional HQs will consolidate unit returns and forward to the Board Secretary. If a secret ballot is required e.g. when members nominated for the Board are not elected by acclamation, the following procedure will be used.

The Secretary will distribute ballots to Units by electronic means; Units will print ballots and distribute by hand or by mail. Ballots will be returned to the Unit by hand or by mail.

Units will seal all ballots in a single envelope and send to the Board Secretary. The Secretary will arrange for the ballots to be tabulated by two members of the organization who are not involved in the balloting.

Motions requiring a vote will be provided to Regional Directors at least 30 days in advance of the meeting, members will vote by a show of hands or electronic means.

If a secret ballot is requested by the majority of members attending whether in person or by electronic means. Ballots will be provided by electronic means to Regional Directors who will return them by mail to the Secretary as soon as possible. The Secretary will arrange for two members not involved in the ballot to tabulate the results.

All votes will be by a show of hands except if a secret ballot is requested by a majority of members present. The Secretary will arrange for ballots and for their tabulation

All votes will be by a show of hands or electronic means unless a secret ballot is requested.

If one is required the Regional Chiefs through the National Unit Secretary will prepare the ballots and arrange for them to be mailed to members not present and on their return, their tabulation by two members not involved in the motion that required the ballot. Electronic voting at the unit level will be at the discretion of the unit executive.

Proxy voting will be instituted if the HQ Executive determines that it is appropriate.



Last modified

November 01 2012


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan