NATO Crest


Policy & Procedure

Updated - November 01 2012

January 01, 1970

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Dress Regulations Policy

June 17, 2011

    Wearing of the NATO DRESS Kit
  1. If a NATO member is a Member of the Canadian Legion, then the NATO Member will comply with the Legion Regulation on Dress for Legion Functions, which will include Head Dress.
  2. NATO Dress, Full Dress can be worn at any Military or Civilian Function or Social Function, that is not a Legion Official Function
  3. If a NATO members is not a Member of A Legion, then he is permitted to wear his Official NATO dress, where he or she fells it is appropriate


Beret- Dark Blue with Small Cloth NATO Badge to be worn- not Metal –for now

Shirt- White, if possible with starched collar

Tie- as per Members Unit Affiliation-wearing of the Dickey is” Grandfathered”- see below

Blazer- Navy Blue with Large NATO Badge, sewn on top of left breast pocket-wearing of black Blazer is “grandfathered”

Pants- Gray Flannel

Belt- Black

Shoes- Black.

NATO Lapel Pin to be worn on civilian suit left lapel.

Ascots- For those who currently have them, they will be Grandfathered, but we will not be including them in the KIT Stores

Medals- Only Medals issue in service will be worn-no unofficial Medal or Legion Medals or any others will be worn on right OR left hand side of blazer-NO other buttons/badges/lapel pins are to be worn EXCEPT the Military issued-Qualification Pins and Awards-example Para Wings etc



Last modified

November 01 2012


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These pages are designed and maintained by Mike Bryan