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Posted January 27, 2011

Veterans Affairs Canada
News Release
January 27, 2011

Veterans Affairs Minister Highlights Improvements for Canada’s Veterans

Winnipeg - The Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Minister of State (Agriculture) was meeting today with staff and stakeholders in Winnipeg to explain how the Government of Canada is enhancing programs and benefits for Veterans and improving the service they receive from Veterans Affairs Canada.

“The Government of Canada has taken important steps in recent months to ensure that Veterans and their families receive all the care and support they deserve,” said Minister Blackburn. “We are listening to Veterans’ concerns. We are changing the culture of the Department, and we are modernizing the way the Department operates to serve Veterans and their families better.

“Progress is clearly being made in the Department of Veterans Affairs-specifically as it relates to reducing turnaround times and red tape,” said Minister Blackburn.

Minister Blackburn’s stop in Winnipeg is part of his cross-country tour to share with Canadians the recent changes occurring within the Department.

Recent improvements to service include the following: - The standard turnaround time for decisions on rehabilitation eligibility is now two weeks, an improvement from four weeks; - Veterans now have less paperwork to complete when applying for the Veterans Independence Program (VIP), which currently helps 107,000 Veterans remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible; - Twenty (20) more case managers have been put in place in areas of high demand across the country to deliver one-on-one service and direct access for Veterans.

After having announced several new measures supporting Veterans this fall under the New Veterans Charter, the Government of Canada is now addressing the quality of services that are offered to them. It will also ensure that more Veterans are hired at the Department in order to serve Veterans better.

Minister Blackburn began his visit to Winnipeg by touring the district office of Veterans Affairs Canada and meeting with staff to discuss recent improvements within the Department and answer questions. He then travelled to Deer Lodge Centre, where he was joined by the Honourable Steven Fletcher, Minister of State (Democratic Reform). The two Ministers visited with Veterans, toured the Operational Stress Injury (OSI) Clinic located in the Centre, and had lunch with Veterans and senior military officials.

“I’m pleased to be meeting with Veterans and stakeholders across the country to explain the substantial progress which is being made within the Department. It is for me an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to providing the best possible service, especially to those Veterans struggling with the most difficult situations. We owe it to them,” said Minister Blackburn.

As part of his tour, Minister Blackburn is stopping in several cities across Canada to visit with Veterans’ organizations, Canadian Forces personnel, operational stress injury clinics and departmental regional and district offices.

For more information on the ways Veterans Affairs Canada is changing or to see online photo galleries from Minister Blackburn’s various stops across Canada, visit

Media inquiries:
Janice Summerby
Media Relations Advisor
Veterans Affairs Canada

David Meister
A/ Regional Director of Communications
Veterans Affairs Canada
204-983-1889 Cell: 204-333-7691

Sophie Doucet
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs
613-992-3465 Cell: 613-608-3252



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