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Updated - October 21 2013

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Minister Fantino Challenges Canadians to Remember Every Day

Posted October 21, 2013


Ottawa, ON

With Veterans’ Week fast approaching, the Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of Veterans Affairs, today marked the official launch of the 2013 National Remembrance Advertising Campaign. Starting today, Canadians will see television and online advertisements that honour Canada’s Veterans and call on all Canadians to remember those who served and continue to serve in times of war, military conflict and peace.

"As Canadians, we share a deep sense and pride and gratitude for those who stood up to defend freedom, democracy and the rule of law," said Minister Fantino. "I encourage all Canadians to show they remember their commitment to Canada by attending a Remembrance Day ceremony, visiting a local cenotaph or monument, sharing a story about a loved one who served, thanking Veterans in person or online, and wearing a poppy with pride."

Each year, Canada marks Veterans’ Week from November 5 to 11. This year, the campaign challenges you to "Show You Remember." Through the use of advertising and social media networks, Veterans Affairs Canada is encouraging Canadians to participate in remembrance activities online and in person with their family, friends and community.

Using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, Canadians can show they remember by posting photos, videos and messages using the hashtags #ShowYouRemember and #ShowYourThanks.

To watch the television ad, visit

For more information on Veterans’ Week, visit

2013 is the Year of the Korean War Veteran—Canada proudly remembers the heroes of the Korean War and their brave fight to defend the Republic of Korea and uphold freedom, democracy and the rule of law.

Veterans Affairs Canada’s support and services offer the right care at the right time to achieve the best results for Veterans and their families. Find out more at



Last modified

October 21 2013


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