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Minister Blaney Attends Opening of Anne Frank

Posted July 5, 2013


Lévis – The Honourable Steven Blaney, Member of Parliament for Lévis, Bellechasse and Les Etchemins, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Minister for La Francophonie, today took part in the opening of the Anne Frank – A History for Today exhibition. He joined representatives of the Régiment de la Chaudière to open the exhibition, which will be on display at the Régiment de la Chaudière Museum from July to September.

“It gives me great pleasure to be here for the opening of this exhibition which not only portrays a young girl who has touched hearts around the world, but will enhance Lévis residents’ awareness about the role played by Canadian soldiers in the Second World War,” said Minister Blaney. “The Régiment de la Chaudière played an important role in this conflict, for example when it contributed to liberate the Netherlands. We must never forget the sacrifices made by these men from our area.”

The exhibition, which presents the life of Anne Frank, highlights the values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect and human rights, and their significance in society. It also touches on the duty of remembrance.

This travelling exhibition was developed by Anne Frank House in the Netherlands and has been shown in more than 60 countries, on five continents, since the early 1990s. It is presented an average of 300 times a year in 60 different languages. Canada is one of the 18 countries that will host the exhibition in 2013.

2013 is the Year of the Korean War Veteran. Canada proudly remembers the heroes of the Korean War and their brave fight to uphold freedom, democracy and the rule of law. To learn more about the Korean War, please visit



Last modified

July 05 2013


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