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The NATO Veterans Organization reaches a milestone

News Release

2 July 2010

The NATO Veterans Organization is the youngest and fasted growing veteran’s organization in Canada. Just recently this organization reached and surpassed an enrolment of 1000 members. This is a genuine national veterans group with units or regional contacts in every province, the Yukon and Northwest Territories with National Headquarters situated in Ottawa. The organization is comprised of retired or serving Canadian Military Personnel and is open to those who have served in Canadian or Allied military units in direct support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or through the North American Air Defence Agreement (NORAD). The mission of this organization is “to support NATO/ NORAD Veterans and their families by recognizing their service to the free world, cherishing their memory and remembering their sacrifices.

A present goal of this organization is to ensure that all Canadian military personnel, retired or still serving who qualify to become members are aware of this veterans group. The interim president Gordon Jenkins feels that a membership total of 2000 in the near future is a realistic objective keeping in mind that this organization has over 60 years of Nato/Norad Veterans to draw upon.

Those interested in learning more about this veterans organization are invited to visit the web site at www.natoveterans.org. Those who wish to become members can download an application form from the web site.

For confirmation or further information please contact:


Gordon Jenkins, president
35 Biscayne Crescent
Ottawa Ontario K2E 5R9